ì©«¥Ñ Anison ©ó 1-8-2007 23:21 µoªí
«Y"´ËªL¤p^¶¯", 5¤ë18¤é¨º¤@±ß, Micchi ¦P »·¼ð ³£¦³°Û¨ì³o®M°Êµeªº un-plug ª© OP ¥DÃD¦±
Thanks for your info!
So, did those Japanese "Cartoon Song Singers" have a concert in May? So you went? How was it ar? I'm sure it must be great!
Was Ô³¦¿ ¬ü³£¤l there too? She has an excellent voice, I like her songs very much, she still has a voice like a teenager when she sings, so appropriate for singing these types of cartoon songs!!