
«lºqª÷¦±30¶g¦~+½²·¬µØ´_¥X: ¯d¨¥¥´®ð°Ï

­ì©«¥Ñ blessu ©ó 16-10-2010 11:02 µoªí Only the "talking" parts are posted here, part 2&4 are the singing parts which I have already posted previously. 


Thank you very much!   Ken is the best!





­ì©«¥Ñ Wendy2010 ©ó 16-10-2010 20:47 µoªí ¤µ¤é¤~»{¯u±qÀY¨ì§À­«·Åtvbºô¯¸ªº°ª²MµøÀW¡A¬Ý¨ìÆ[衆®u¤W¦³ªºÆ[衆¦n¦ü¤]¿E°Ê¨ì¬y²\¡A¤£ª¾¦³ÉNºô¤Í¨ì²{³õÆ[¬Ý¡H

¹ï°Ú, ¬Ý¨ìªüKen¨º¨è¯u¬O¿E°Ê¨ì¬y²\.....
§Ú¬O§¤¦b.....¹qµø¾÷«e. ........


¾G¨q¤å¼¶¤å¼g¹ï ½²·¬µØ´_¥X«lºqªº·P·Q, ¬Ý«á«Ü·P°Ê, ¤]«D±`·PÁ¦o¯u¸Ûªº¤À¨É.
¼ÐÃD:  ³Ó¥M  -- ¾G¨q¤å

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[ ¥L¬°¦Û¤vªº¦Û´L¨ú¦^¤F¤@¦¸³Ó§Q.]


§¹¾ã¤º¤å  (·Ó¬Ûª©)







­ì©«¥Ñ blessu ©ó 18-10-2010 10:14 µoªí


Thanks for sharing!



­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 18-10-2010 14:30 µoªí   Thanks for sharing!


me too!


Thank you for sharing!

I'm not a fan of 
¾G¨q¤å but her article has gained respect of her from me.  Good job!


¤ä«ùªüKEN ·í±ß§Ú³£¦³Ú»¡A°Û"­Å¼v"¥ò¦n¦nÅ¥¡A¦P¥H®aD"ºq¬P¥J"ÉN±o¤ñ¡I


Âà¶K:  ¤ä«ù½²·¬µØ´_¥X¶}ºt°Û·|

 From Olivialai88:

§Æ±æ©Ò¦³¤ä«ù°ÚKen o¬JªB¤Í¡A³£¥[¤J¥h©O­Ópage, ¬°°ÚKen¥´®ð¡I

§A¥i¥H¦bfacebook search :¡@¡§¤ä«ù½²·¬µØ´_¥X¶}ºt°Û·|" or follow this link:




I am not a fan of Ken even when he was at his best in mid 80's. (but my friends are). Yet, I am very happy to see he comes back and prove himself.


However, I am not sure if concert is a good idea for him now. I dont' think he can stand the pressure and the attacks, in partciular from the media. (Remember, even our so 'beloved' Lesile and Anita nowadays, before their departures, media are quite harsh to them.)  


So, I think Ken should keep low-key and leave a postitve image for his fans and the next generation. Or, if he really want to come back in full blown, perhaps he should start to issue another record/ free MP3 download/ youtube first... re-sing his classics with different delievery and arrangement / re-sing other people's songs......  I could image he can sing Aaron and Leon's songs very well...(remember Shriley Kwan also do that) His friend from former CBS like Samantha Lam and Amy Chan can re-sing duet with him. One key thing is, he should keep up a positive image, showing to the world that he is OK and living a healthy life. 


I want to see him come back. Really.





­ì©«¥Ñ arronarif ©ó 28-10-2010 12:50 µoªí I am not a fan of Ken even when he was at his best in mid 80's. (but my friends are). Yet, I am very happy to see he comes back and prove himself.   However, I am not sure if concert is a good ...
You got the point.However I wonder how many of his friends can still support him...thats a question.


­ì©«¥Ñ tnd1964 ©ó 28-10-2010 13:05 µoªí You got the point.However I wonder how many of his friends can still support him...thats a question.


He need a good manager and who must be a real friend of him and his prority is "to save Ken, not for money."


The manager should be able to find reasons/ excuses to get Ken's friends or even some new artists to help Ken... anyway, "helping Ken, just out of  friendship' is not a bad publicity for any of those artists... And, anyway, I am not talking about asking those artists to relaunch with Ken as a group/ long term partnership, but just a one-off thing.


e.g. Eason Chan + Rowena's new song... the noise is high and the result is good. A win-win situation for Eason and Rowena... (Take note that Rowena did not appear so much, just Eason)


e.g. Image Ella Koon+Ken just relase a new single... and Ella tells the media that ... "oh you know what, i am very pleased to have this chance to sing with Ken. I love his songs a lot and it is my dream to sing with him when I was a kid, he is so respectable.....".  If the songs is OK, which I think will be, I think it will only do good to both...'    BUT... Ken must keep very low key too. can he?


I know many artists will be skeptical to associate with Ken now. But, if the artist is really good but not at the top-tier artist... why not to get some noise for youerself? . And, you know what?.... actually, if Sammi wants, she is ideal. She is so independent now and she is so 'religious' and she has "substance'/ not superficial.. she has a very gpod position to help ken. She knows how to do the right things.   Anyone know Wallace Kwok?


Good points, total agree.Sammi is the best right person to help him.However beisde others help he also need to control himself..nowadays TVB, cable..all interview youcannot find him has any smile on the face..too many unhapy things in his heart...everytime when I watch his small concert in Cable with Lam Man Chung...he seems  angry with thousands of ppl..as a fans of him really feel sad and worry to see what he express on the stage...

even in this latest one:




So if he really come back.beside .friendship, love ,encourage , a good friend manager ,how to let him forget the unhappy past is also important.


Ken, we care about you..



­ì©«¥Ñ tnd1964 ©ó 28-10-2010 23:33 µoªí Good points, total agree.Sammi is the best right person to help him.However beisde others help he also need to control himself..nowadays TVB, cable..all interview youcannot find him has any smile on t ...


Ken had the right to be upset becoz that piece-of-sxxt Lam Man Chung just kept on provoking him, see (from the same concert as above):



Lam MC is just born to be a clown with a naturally-formed clown's face that needs no make-up. I'm glad all of his wives ran away from him. Come on, former Miss HK wake up seeing a big-mouth clown sleeping in the same bed? Batman would kick his clown AXX even though Ken was kind enough not to     Lam should just keep his mouth shut and stay away from the front stage.


