原帖由 幻之聖騎士 於 28-2-2008 08:46 發表
Athena姐講得好啱,我係基督徒,當然信神,非傳道,只係想用另一角度講講聖經,聖經其實好簡單,情書一本,講人跟神,人與人之間既情同愛,信心同愛情係主觀感受,都唔係可以量化度既嘢 ...
I think Bible is more than just a love Book..Most important part is : Trying to tell us Human being is in very danger situation , because of original Sin against GOD since Adam and Eva, final judgement is on the way. The real fire hell is waiting...
Our lord Christ's salvation is the only way out.