ì©«¥Ñ kkeeleung ©ó 30-8-2009 13:29 µoªí ¦³®É¹ï啲¦~«Cºq¤â, ¬Æ¦Ü¤@¨Ç¤@½u¤jºq¤â½°Û啲¸g¨åºq¤Ï·P, ¨Ã«D³æ¤@¤ñ¸ûºqÃÀ. ¦Ó«YÊ\吔«YɤH¦a°Û¤F¤T¥|¤Q¦~ªº¸g¨å, °Û¦b¤fùØ. º¥ý«YºÉªê¤£¦¨. ²Ä¤G«YɤHªº¦¨´N¥X¦ì. ·íµM°Û¤£¬O°ÝÃD, ¨g¼é, ¤W®ü ...
ì©«¥Ñ LouisLee ©ó 30-8-2009 10:57 µoªí ÁB´|³y§@, §¹¥þ¤£¬O¨ý¨à, ©l²×³£«Yµâ©jì°Û³Ì¦n!!!!!
But still I'd rather listen to them singing oldcake songs than their own (new) songs....... there's no way I'd pay $$ to buy the latter ....... but if they're singing my fav. oldcake songs, I might consider buying their CD just to collect a new version The most recent CD I bought was Alan Tam's new release of old songs