ì©«¥Ñ kitsir935 ©ó 24-4-2007 20:29 µoªí
Sorry!! ¯u«Yø¤Ó°O±o¡I
hello Kit sir
Today im still in japan and im in shinjuku maboo internet cafe....
you know i went to Chau Yip Yuen, however it is no much old toys shops and finally i just could found out one of it. byut the cost its really expensive..........
Then i base on your menton and bought a hobby japan la......finally i found out one advertisement....and the location is in Siu Arm area.
Then i go there todcay,,, wow........................i found it,,,,my dream shop.
I take some photos outside, and take a very short film inside, even the shop is not very big, but they have many old toys like
voltes V (big and small one9...many many...............
finally i bought 3 of it, which is
(1) V §Î¹qºÏ«L -small one , GA -80¡@うぃ¢üwhith box.
2 ¤ÓªÅ«O½ÃªÌ Big one, without box, but only a pair of punch and a pair of red arrow *the weapon on the feed' inludue...but finally i found out the wing was break ar .........wu wu wu........
3. ¦t©z¸Às *fei long kam kong, i dont know what no, but without wings. and gold colour, you know he also have the yellow colour, but finally i choose gold colour, both condition was good.
Make a guess how much i spend? anyway i think the price is really reasonable la and lateron i will post the photo of tshop location, also my valuable toys to all brother here........thank you ...
remarks: sorry since it is really hard to type since the japan version keyboard some button is different, and no chinese input so some chinese copy and paste in it, hope you could see and understand what im writing,,
cheers all brother,,,,,and tomorrow back to HK lu,,,,,
also, thankyou ar as you give me such hins, then i bought the books, and finally i got such valuable toys......