

­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 9-8-2007 01:37 µoªí Ever try this one ?   Chocolate covered peanut butter, good when you're hungry. I think I've seen that in HK last time when I was around....City Super?.....


yum!!  I like peanut butter + chocolates


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 01:41 µoªí   ­ø..............¤£¦p¦ô¤U±z¦PShiawase©f´X®É´X¤À·|°V±oµÛ,¤@»ô¶i¤J¹Ú¶m


ha?! ... Celia must be very tired last night to have said something like that


­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 9-8-2007 01:46 µoªí   Ha ?!? ......I don't know her gar......just kind of 'dug up' some info. about her online......hee hee


ha ha, you guys really like to °_ other people's ©³!!


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 01:49 µoªí   ¤@»ô?·íµM°Õ~~ËÝ­ø«Y³Ì¦n«§~~   ¤éÀY?³£±o§r!¦ô¤UShiawase©f¦³ÉN·Q¦í±z


...oh no, celia ©j, you must be feeling very tired last night & got the "woo see luen sheung" bug from ar_woo   


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 9-8-2007 01:55 µoªí   ¼M.... ©OD§A¦PfumoonÁ¿´N啱®ÍÊ\Å¥°Õ.... §Ú¦¨¤é¦ôÊ\¦PShiawase©j«Y¤Ñ¥Í¤@¹ï§r ! 2­Ó³£«YµØ¹´§r


ha?! ... here is ar_woo "woo see luen sheung" again!!


hey, why don't ar_woo & celia "¤k¯«" have a romantic meeting in HK and they can then have all those different guesses and "woo see luen sheung" together!! (... ha ha, this is a revenge from me! )


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 9-8-2007 02:03 µoªí Hey, while we're talking, Shiawase is gone already ar... she's not the kind who'd miss anyone... too happy and too active to stay anywhere for long  


sorry i didn't say goodbye to everyone before I logged off last night, it's just because my eyes were killing me (...that's from using the computer & staring at the screen for too long.....my eyes got very "yip"!), so had to quickly log off to prevent me from continue chatting (you know, this is addictive, once logged onto this forum, can easily get stuck here for hours!)


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 11:42 µoªí   hahaha......oh....¥i¯à«Yla....ËÝ©]¯u«Y¦ntired,¦]¬°§Ú©O´X¤é³£«Y¯f¯f¦a....(¶Ç¬V? ºô¤W¯f¬r? )   ¼M....­ø³q¯u«Y¤ñar_woo¶Ç¬V¥ªD¯f¬r¦P"woo see luen sheung"? ¼Mar_woo±z«Yºô¤W©ñ¯f¬r§r? ...


wah ha ha ha!  you & him..."tone bang sueng leen"!!!


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 11:47 µoªí   Wah......wah........wah........Shiawase©f±z¦n¼F®`~~ ª±¤ÏÀ»Kakakaka........   §Úı±oÊ\·Q±z¨ÓHK¨£Ê\¥ýËÝÁ¿©Qhahaha........ 


...didn't you know that "CELIA" means a lot to Mr ar_woo!!!!   hee hee hee!!! (he told us one of his big secrets on another thread....have you read it, Celia?)...


­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 9-8-2007 11:52 µoªí Good morning and good evening girls.....


good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good everything to fumoon!


­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 9-8-2007 12:16 µoªí What will that be?.....SMS me if you have to.....


haven't you read it?  


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 12:21 µoªí   o¤U?????? I don't know~¥u«Y¤@­Ó¦W...ÉN«§¯µ±K?


so i guess you haven't read that particular post by him neither?!....ok, let me have a look on this forum to see if I remember which thread he mentioned it on...(he better not amend what he said now!)


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 12:23 µoªí   good breakfast, good lunch, good dinner and good sleeping to fumoon!


ha ha!!


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 12:24 µoªí   Wah...wah...wah.....±z¦a¥ò¯µ±K°Õ~~~hahaha......


come on, nothing secretive going on in here!! (hey fumoon, stop sounding like there is something going on in here lah!! ha ha!! )


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 12:26 µoªí   ..........§Ú¦³D­ø·QÚ»................


ha ha, are you serious?!  ... ok, if you don't want to read it... i'll just PM fumoon with the details of that post....


....are you sure you don't want to know?....you might regret it..... ha ha ha


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 12:29 µoªí     ­ø...................           ·Q...................    


double meaning!?!


...I'm still searching, can't find it at the moment (don't remember which thread ah....give me a bit more time)


Found it!  Here it is:-


¸g¨å¤é¥»¯S¼¼¡´°Êµe¡´¥d³q¦^¾Ð » 70¦~¥N-¯S¼¼¤Hª« » <<¬°¤H®vªí>> ¤¤§ø¶®«T 




­ì©«¥Ñ fumoon ©ó 9-8-2007 12:50 µoªí Ha ha......cool......


ai ya, Celia has logged out tim ... she must have read that other thread and now.......she is hiding tim!


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 9-8-2007 13:06 µoªí   but I'm back! how dare you, guys, talking behind my back, hahahaha....


Oh! you are back!! 


...ha ha, not really talking behind your back..........i was just......just updating Celia & fumoon on "something"


­ì©«¥Ñ ar_woo ©ó 9-8-2007 13:13 µoªí   §ï¨}ª©:   ³Å¤ëÁ¿嘢¦³¤@¤â¸Ö¶®¯º¨ì­ø°±¤f吖¶ã¦ô嘢ÉN®É·Ç¸ÖÄRÀ~¨ì§Y¨è¨«   µù: ³Å¤ë=fumoon ¸Ö¶®=Shia(wase) ¸ÖÄR=Celia 吖¶ã =.... hahahaha


...hey, "ÉN®É·Ç" doesn't rhyme with the other sentences!!


­ì©«¥Ñ celia ©ó 9-8-2007 13:15 µoªí   ¦]¬°Shiawase©f±z¦Par_woo¨â­Ó¤H¤§¶¡¬J­^¤å§ÚÚ»­ø©ú    


ha ha, you are back, Celia! ...


...i am sure you understood what the thread says....stop pretending lah

