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百年香江 (香港歷史圖片)

原帖由 mythz 於 29-10-2007 19:05 發表 圖片來源: www.hkoceanshores.net   1830年•文武廟前     1840年•港島海灣圖景,中間位置大樓爲怡和公司     1842年•審判罪犯情景     1845年 ...



嘩 mythzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! 你好'Celia!' (犀利呀!)     你搵到o甘多真貴既圖片o既,配服!!!!    Thank you for sharing & for your great effort in posting all the photos up here


(By the way, nice background music )


原帖由 超人兄弟 於 31-10-2007 00:28 發表     thank u mythz brother !!i wish later you can get more about ' Daimaru ' photo post to here..... ( 我係o米好貪心呢...hee...hee...)


Hi 超人兄弟, did you use to goto Daimaru a lot when you were young?   



原帖由 超人兄弟 於 1-11-2007 11:38 發表      Yes Shiawase! 因為小時候爸爸媽媽間唔中都會帶我去行公司.....相信第一間帶我去o既百貨公司就係 ' 大丸 Daimaru ' ....  記得有次去我重扭媽媽買鰼i月光幪面俠卡通貼紙....透明藍色好靚o架...印像深刻......好開心   我依希重記得大丸百貨公司入面o既擺設....好懷念... 所以 '大丸'係我生命中佔有一個好重要的地位和回 憶o架!!!  Shiawase 你有沒有差不多類同的情意結呢?!!


Thanks for sharing, 超人兄弟

大丸百貨公司 & 松板屋 both play a very important role in my 童年! Daimaru大丸最有印像的是條大樓梯 & 詢問處 (which was underneath the 大樓梯).  I could also vaguely remember its 食物部.  


With Matsuzakaya 松板屋, i like its basement level the best, it had a Japanese Grocery store (called 大和), a Japanese Restaurant and Gift Gate gift shop.  Did you use to goto 松板屋 a lot when you were little 超人兄弟?


原帖由 超人兄弟 於 1-11-2007 20:19 發表      me too me too Shiawase !!(' Daimaru大丸' 最有印像的是佢條大樓梯 & 詢問處 (which was underneath the 大樓梯)無錯...完全和我一樣鍾意條大樓梯 ...所以我非常希望能找到大丸百貨 ...


Hi 超人兄弟, thank you again for your sharing  

From memory, 大丸食物部 was on the ground floor & 有個出口/入口 which was located near 百得新街 that side, could you recall?  (I might be wrong though )

Shoes section was on the ground floor too, I think


Was the toy section on the second floor?    I couldn't remember the stationery section which you mentioned  


I think there used to be an area where it sold "door bells" & there were lots of sample door bells for people to try, I used to like pressing the bells to listen to all the different "ding dong" sound! ha ha,小朋友 usually likes to do silly things!


Also, in around 198X, Daimaru opened another store in 百得新街 (a bit closer to Victoria Park), that location mainly specialised in selling food and homeware.



原帖由 超人兄弟 於 1-11-2007 21:32 發表       ...百得新街 o個間我經常去o架 ...


I used to goto that one quite often too, they used to sell lots of Japanese snacks


原帖由 ar_woo 於 1-11-2007 21:46 發表   It seems you always liked snacks/ good food since you were a kid 


i guess so , luckily still got lots of quota


原帖由 超人兄弟 於 1-11-2007 21:56 發表      hee...hee...細路仔個個都係咁gala...


but he is saying I am still like that these days   


it has been great fun talking to you guys tonight, but need to '走走走'啦, good night all


原帖由 mythz 於 2-11-2007 11:01 發表   似乎大丸真係對你好重要咁,其實大丸都比o左好多回憶我,我都好鐘意o係果條樓梯玩,   我諗個個細路都鐘意o係果條樓梯玩,因為企上去有高過大人的感覺............   我放大o左 + 調整 ...


Thanks mythz!  Picture ~ saved


Hi 超人兄弟, mythz & other HK Daimaru fans, I found an old calendar card that I got from Daimaru back in 1990  


calendar card 印有香港大丸o既相, that's why KEEP到而家, 現在同你地分享


(The front of the card shows the Main Store & the back shows the Household Square store in 百得新街):




[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 2-11-2007 21:30 編輯 ]


原帖由 Shiawase 於 2-11-2007 21:07 發表 Hi 超人兄弟, mythz & other HK Daimaru fans, I found an old calendar card that I got from Daimaru back in 1990   雖然唔算好舊or好經典,但都有紀念價值 張calendar card 印有香港大丸o既相 ...


Hi mythz, you guys may find the pictures I just posted a little bit small, but I don't know how to enlarge them on this forum, if you wouldn't mind, would you please enlarge them for me (like what you did with the other Daimaru photo) so that people can see the HK Daimaru pictures a bit clearer?  Thank you so much 




原帖由 超人兄弟 於 2-11-2007 21:16 發表     o華...very good....好叻呀你Shiawase ...竟然M到這二張card,邊度Mo架??!


我唔叻架, just something I have kept for years

It's actually just one calendar card I got (what I posted were the 面 and the 底 of the card)

I can't remember exactly how I got it, it was probably given to me when I purchased things there at the end of 1989 (as this was the 1990 calendar)



原帖由 mythz 於 2-11-2007 22:54 發表     就咁在論壇放大唔得架,要用softare 做的,如:Photoshop 之類的圖像處理軟件   上面兩張我只係在論壇就咁把它們拉大比你睇下放大後的效果,沒有經software處理過   如果你 ...


Thanks mythz for your suggestions<img

I have tried taking photos of the calendar card and they turned out pretty good, here they are:



I also tried re-scanning the calendar card using 600dpi as mythz suggested, I will post them here later so that you guys can see which version look better:-

(thanks ar_woo for pointing out my silly mistake, these two pictures above were indeed the results of me taking photos of the calendar card using my camera )



[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 3-11-2007 12:50 編輯 ]


原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:18 發表   but it looks like it's a pictue of a (scanned) picture?


huh?  a picture of a scanned picture?  o甘''轉?   Pictures 唔清楚咩?


原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:25 發表   or a photo of the calendar card... somehow it doesn't look like a scan


Ah, sorry!   I made a mistake!!! haha ha, you are right, they do look like the photos I took (I actually tried a few different methods, I did try to use my camera to take pictures of the calendar card, but also used the scanned method as well...ha ha, so 大頭煆, I was going to compare which method will give me a better quality, i think I did end up using the camera versions (so silly of me not noticing it myself) to upload onto photobucket...





[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 3-11-2007 12:42 編輯 ]


原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:45 發表   nothing escapes the eyes of (the former) 起底王


  Thank you, FORMER 起底王   From, the  XXXXXXX    XXX  (fill in the blanks yourself , but no need to post the answer here )


原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 12:53 發表   don't be so sure yet... I'm sending a team of investigators to XXXXXX to find out about the real XXXXXX XXX


    (by the way, you missed out one "X", I am the "XXXXXXX XXX"  (the first word starts with 'P')



Here is the scanned version (using 600dpi) of the HK Daimaru calendar :

(I think the quality of this scanned version is better than the photo version I posted earlier, thanks again mythz for your suggestion on scanning at 600dpi )



[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 3-11-2007 13:13 編輯 ]


原帖由 ar_woo 於 3-11-2007 13:09 發表   oh, my mistake.... abit tired, going back to sleep now  , bye everyone


going to bed now??   Good night ~ or should I say Good Afternoon?


原帖由 超人兄弟 於 3-11-2007 13:38 發表     真係清楚好多和靚好多呀.....





原帖由 超人兄弟 於 2-11-2007 21:41 發表     你重話自己唔叻喎.....留鰼icard 17yrs....我就乜都掉哂........加多個 ' 叻 ' 比你都唔算多...,叻叻


D唔記得 '些些' 比我的'叻叻




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