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¼ÐÃD: 经¨å [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: ¬B¹ê¤°²ß¯¶¬µ¶°    ®É¶¡: 6-6-2008 02:45     ¼ÐÃD: 经¨å

A good medicine tastes bitter.  ¨}药­W¤f.
Easier said than done.  说©ö¦æ难.
Health is happiness.  °·±d«K¬O©¯ºÖ.
One today is worth two tomorrows.  ¤@个¤µ¤ÑÐ`过两个©ú¤Ñ.
All is well that ends well.  结ªG¦n´N¤@¤Á³£¦n.
Custom is a second nature.  习惯¬O²Ä¤G¤Ñ©Ê.
East or west,home is best.  东¦n¦è¦n还¬O®a¨½³Ì¦n.
Do as the Romans do.  ¤J¹Ò­n问«U.
Don¡¦t put the cart before the horse.  ¤Å¥»¥½­Ë¸m; ¤Å­ËªG为¦];
Half a loaf is better that no bread.  ¥b¤ù­±¥]总¤ñ没¦³¦n;¦³Ð`¤_无;


He laughs best who laughs last.  谁¯º¨ì³Ì¦Z,谁¯º±o³Ì¦n.
Where there is a will,there is a way.  ¦³§ÓªÌ¨Æ³º¦¨.
Seeing is believing.  ¦Ê闻¤£¦p¤@见.
Diligence is the mother of success.  ¶Ô奋¬O¦¨¥\¤§¥À.
Accidents will happen.  ¤Ñ¦³¤£测风¤ª.
The shortest answer is doing.  ³Ì简单ªº¦^µª´N¬O°µ.
Actions speak louder than words.  ¨Æ实Ð`¤_¶¯辩.
Behind dad luck comes good luck.  ¶ë¯Î¥¢马,²jª¾«DºÖ.
He is a wise man who speaks little.  ´¼ªÌ¨¥语¤Ö.
Few words,many deeds.  ¤Ö说话,¦h°µ¨Æ.
Love is the reward of love.  爱´N¬O爱ªº报¹S.
Every man is his own worsr enemy.  ¤@个¤H³Ì¤jªº敌¤H´N¬O¥L¦Û¤w
Where there¡¦s a will, there¡¦s away.¦³§ÓªÌ¡A¨Æ³º¦¨¡C
Ail ther glitters is nold gold.发¥úªº¦}¤£总¬Oª÷¤l¡C
To be conten with little is true happiness.ª¾¨¬±`乐¡C
United, we stand; Divided, we fall.§x结则¦s¡A¤Àµõ则¤`¡C
There is no smallest doubt.²@无ºÃ问¡C
It¡¦s a pleasure working with you.ÉO§A¦X§@«Ü´r§Ö¡C
Congratulations on your success.¯¬贺§Aªº¦¨¥\¡C
The pen is mightier than the sword.笔Ð`¤_剑
Where there¡¦s a will, there¡¦s a way.¦³§ÓªÌ¡A¨Æ竞¦¨¡C
A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚¥Û¤£¥Í­a/转业¤£»E财¡C
Astitch in time saves.¤@针¤Î时¬Ù¤E针/¨Æ¥b¥\­¿¡C
There is no royal road to learning.学无±¶径¡C
A good name is easier lost than won.¦W誉¥¢¤§©ö¡A¦Ó±o¤§难¡C


He who laughs last laughs best.谁¯º¨ì³Ì¦Z¡A谁¯º±o³Ì¦n¡C
Something is better than nothing.¦³总¤ñ没¦³¦n/¦³¤ñ无¦n¡C
Well begun is half done.¨}¦nªº开ºÝ¬O¦¨¥\ªº¤@¥b¡C
A friend in need is a friend indeed.±w难ªB¤Í¤~¬O¯uªB¤Í¡C
You make mistakes, if you do things in a hurry.§A­Y仓¨ò¦æ¨Æ¡C´N会¥Ç错误¡C
Actions speak louder than words.¦æ动¤ñ¨¥语§ó响«G¡C
While there is life, there is.¦³¥Í©R«K¦³§Æ±æ/¯d±o«C¤s¦b¡A¤£©È没®ã烧¡C
Good company on the road is the shortest cut.¦æ¸ô¦³¨}¦ñ´N¬O±¶径¡C
The secrdt of success is constancy of purpose.¦¨¥\ªº¯µ诀¦b¤_«ù¤§¥HùÚ¡C
Connant dropping sears the stone. ºw¤ô¬ï¥Û¡C
Experience is this mother of wisdom. 经验¬O´¼¼z¤§¥À¡C
From small beginnings comes great things. 伟¤j©l¤_´ù¤p¡C
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. ¤£经灾难¤£ª¾ºÖ¡C
Time and tide wait for no man.岁¤ë¤£«Ý¤H¡C
A boldattempt is half success.«i´±ªº尝试¬O¦¨¥\ªº¤@¥b¡C
Love me ,love the dog.爱«Î¤Î乌¡C
Ever dog has its day.¨C个¤H³£¦³±o·Nªº¤é¤l¡C
Beat the dog before the lion.杀鸡äêµU¡C
When the cat is away the mice will play.¤s¤¤无¦Ñªê¡AµU¤l称¤j¤ý


Don¡¦t put the cart before the horse.¤£­n¯»¾¥­Ë¸m¡C
Fine feathers make fjne birds.¤H­n¦ç装¡A¦ò­nª÷装¡C
Have a nolf by the ears.骑ªê难¤U¡A进°h两难¡C
East or nest, home is the best.东¦n¡B¦è¦n¡A¤£¦p¦Û¤vªº®a¦n¡C
Home is nhere the heart is.¤ß¦V©¹¤§¡A¥|®ü为®a¡C
All roads little one goes far.条条¤j¸ô³q罗马¡C
When is Rome, do az the Rome do.¤J乡随«U¡C
Little by little one goes Far.¤d¨½¤§¦æ¡A©l¤_¨¬¤U¡C
To  say iz one thing and to do is.说时®e©ö°µ时难¡C
To mention  the nolf¡¦s name is too see the same.说±ä*¡A±ä*¨ì¡C
To save time is to lengthen life.节约时间´N¬O©µ长©Ê©R¡C
To know everything is to know nothing.¨Æ¨Æ³q¡A¨Æ¨ÆªQ¡C
To know oneself is turo knowledge.¤H贵¦³¦Ûª¾¤§©ú¡C
Dog does not eat dog.¦P¦æ¦p¦P©R¡A
Let sleeqing dogs lie.·S¨Æ¥Í«D
Barking dogs seldom bite.¯u¤H¤£ÅS¬Û¡C
Give a dog a bad name and hang him.给¤H个§¥¦W声¡A´N¥Ã远¬~¨ê¤£±¼¡C



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