原帖由 呢蚊T 於 17-10-2006 10:48 發表 成班唔相識o既人一齊去左間豪華大宅,目的係搵寶物之類o既野~~~ 有邊d演員呢?
原帖由 999 於 31-10-2006 12:00 發表 主題曲是否: 天意差錯誰可補.......................
原帖由 carkei 於 31-10-2006 12:58 發表 這首是老洞的主題曲。 逐個捉好似係沒有主題曲架。
原帖由 carkei 於 31-10-2006 12:58 發表 這首是老洞的主題曲。 逐個捉好似係沒有主題曲架。
原帖由 呢蚊T 於 19-10-2006 11:27 發表 ... 係一段動話~有一座好鬼屋FEELo既大宅,(粉紫色background)行雷閃電,D蝙蝠飛黎飛去,然後有個殭屍....
Hey 月圓先生, thanks for the clip!!
I think the idea of this TV series came from a novel called "And then there were none" (also previously published as Ten Little Indians)
As per Wikipedia...
"Plot introduction
Ten people, each with a deadly secret, find themselves trapped on an island where they become the subjects of a cruel game played by a figure styling himself Mr. U. N. Owen ("Unknown"). They are killed according to an old nursery rhyme, Ten Little Indians."
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 10-8-2007 21:41 編輯 ]原帖由 Shiawase 於 10-8-2007 21:39 發表 I think the idea of this TV series came from a novel called "And then there were none" (also previously published as Ten Little Indians) As per Wikipedia... "lot int ...
I never thought about that.....I guess maybe.
[ 本帖最後由 fumoon 於 10-8-2007 21:54 編輯 ]
I have read the book and watched the movie "And then there were none", I reckon 逐個捉 has that movie's 影子
原帖由 Shiawase 於 10-8-2007 21:57 發表 I have read the book and watched the movie "And then there were none", I reckon 逐個捉 has that movie's 影子
Ic ic.....but most plots on these stories are the same.....people got invited to a mansion.....trapped there....then one by one got killed off.....same same.....
原帖由 fumoon 於 10-8-2007 22:05 發表 Ic ic.....but most plots on these stories are the same.....people got invited to a mansion.....trapped there....then one by one got killed off.....same same.....
yeah, true
主要係講一班人, 背負着不同原因要去揾石堅 - 莊志仁.
當中有些人為錢, 為出名或報仇等.
戲中無主題曲, 但就選用了貝多芬的命運交响曲做主題配樂. 用黑色剪影, 或人物剪裁相片.
加上石堅的笑聲 ----- 奸笑聲去營造緊張氣氛.
而戲中大部份時間, 都你講石堅在弧島中" 失踪 " 後所發生的事.
宣傳片中常在石堅名句 -- 無事...無事... 大家繼續跳舞....係咪好熟呢!!!!!!
秦沛做佢個仔 - 莊定先. 瘋子....
仲有瑪淬帆 - 做攝記之類 - 蒙尼坦. 來揾女及報仇...
鄧壁雲係石堅佢嘅老朋友....找石堅借錢拍片翻身 - 係導演之類...
而李司棋分飾兩角. 白芙蓉和顏少少. 個老公係叫顏如玉. 但實質係阿緊--馮淬帆個女....
有夏雨做私家偵探. 林嘉華做初初出名的打仔明星. 吾太記得邊個做佢老豆... 好似係余明 (粵語片年代嗰位)
林嘉華個叫佢扮做"跟班" 之類, 扮大牌. 希望石堅揾佢拍片..
仲有好多場口都記得. 老角李司棋要用、衣衫遮間鄒紋. 秦沛每隔一集就捉人去
要刴耍殺, 被困荒島而要爬獨木舟, 少女李司棋方被石堅誤以為係佢阿媽.
性感鄭裕玲色誘石堅等... 的確"驚"典難忘.....
[ 本帖最後由 kkeeleung 於 8-5-2008 19:37 編輯 ]
原帖由 kkeeleung 於 8-5-2008 19:25 發表 逐個捉係一套非常獨特出色的黑色喜劇. 主要係講一班人, 背負着不同原因要去揾石堅 - 莊志仁. 係有錢電影大亨... 當中有些人為錢, 為出名或報仇等. 戲中無主題曲, 但就 ...
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