嘩!Celia! Celia!
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得 閒 click ︰ oldcake.net
原帖由 monoakira 於 10-11-2007 16:41 發表 文章內容: 五 十 年 超 人除 了 《 歡 樂 今 宵 》 , 細 個 睇 得 最 多 就 輪 到 超 人 卡 通 片 。 有 網 友 索 性 成 立 論 壇 , 列 出 不 同 年 分 的 卡 通 片 及 特 撮 片 ( 日 本 仔 超 人 ...
原帖由 monoakira 於 10-11-2007 16:41 發表 文章內容: 五 十 年 超 人除 了 《 歡 樂 今 宵 》 , 細 個 睇 得 最 多 就 輪 到 超 人 卡 通 片 。 有 網 友 索 性 成 立 論 壇 , 列 出 不 同 年 分 的 卡 通 片 及 特 撮 片 ( 日 本 仔 超 人 ...
在Yahoo 找 HKNEXT921.pdb 就可以看到了.
壹網樂 : 再會歡樂今宵
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[ 本帖最後由 綠寶210 於 10-11-2007 17:40 編輯 ]
Thank you monoakira & 綠寶210 for posting 個文章內容 .
我在google都有搵倒,可以係Lee道睇倒圖:(ActionKamen 兄 & East 兄 個 posts & 頭像都被刊登埋!威威呀! )
五 十 年 超 人
有 齊 劇 照 及 劇 情 介 紹 , 資 料 多 到 要 幾 日 先 睇 得 晒 。
網 友 好 有 心 , 連 周 邊 產 品 都 介 紹 一 餐 。
除 了 《 歡 樂 今 宵 》 , 細 個 睇 得 最 多 就 輪 到 超 人 卡 通 片 。 有 網 友 索 性 成 立 論 壇 , 列 出 不 同 年 分 的 卡 通 片 及 特 撮 片 ( 日 本 仔 超 人 打 怪 獸 的 劇 集 ) , 開 放 俾 其 他 網 友 出 post , 提 供 相 關 相 片 或 短 片 , 當 中 不 少 圖 文 並 茂 , 清 楚 介 紹 劇 中 角 色 , 列 明 播 映 年 分 , 甚 至 有 埋 主 題 曲 歌 詞 , 資 料 齊 全 。
得 閒 click ︰ oldcake.net
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 10-11-2007 19:14 編輯 ]
原帖由 阿誠 於 10-11-2007 15:59 發表 太強啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!celia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 入面寫左啲咩呀~? 不過講真..如果多了人固然高興..但我唔想oldcake變到好似「某論壇」咁雜......
原帖由 Shiawase 於 10-11-2007 19:11 發表 Thank you monoakira & 綠寶210 for posting 個文章內容 . 我在google都有搵倒,可以係Lee道睇倒圖: (ActionKamen 兄 & East 兄 個 posts & 頭像都被刊登埋!威威呀! ) ...
Thank you monoakira & 綠寶210 仲有 Shiawase Post 左D內容比我地欣賞呀~
原帖由 celia 於 10-11-2007 22:47 發表 Thank you monoakira & 綠寶210 仲有 Shiawase Post 左D內容比我地欣賞呀~ 您地真係Celia!我搜尋過都搜尋唔到呀~
Good News
原帖由 celia 於 10-11-2007 22:47 發表 Thank you monoakira & 綠寶210 仲有 Shiawase Post 左D內容比我地欣賞呀~ 您地真係Celia!我搜尋過都搜尋唔到呀~
Actually I forgot to thank 高立兄!! Without him starting this thread to let us know that "old cake 網 上 咗 "壹週刊" (Nov. 01, 07)", we wouldn't know that ah! So,
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-11-2007 09:24 發表 Actually I forgot to thank 高立兄!! Without him starting this thread to let us know that "old cake 網 上 咗 "壹週刊" (Nov. 01, 07)", we wouldn't know that ah! So, THA ...
兄仲未晌Lee 道發表佢既感想o既?Toby兄, oldcake 網 上 咗 "壹週刊", 你開唔開心呀?
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-11-2007 09:24 發表 Actually I forgot to thank 高立兄!! Without him starting this thread to let us know that "old cake 網 上 咗 "壹週刊" (Nov. 01, 07)", we wouldn't know that ah! So, THA ...
又係啵~~~Shiawase您真係細心 (唔知個心係咪都係細細粒 )
THANK YOU, 高立兄! X3
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-11-2007 09:24 發表 Actually I forgot to thank 高立兄!! Without him starting this thread to let us know that "old cake 網 上 咗 "壹週刊" (Nov. 01, 07)", we wouldn't know that ah! So, THA ...
Haha, you always thank people for this and that, so polite, I think if there's a "most polite person" vote, you and celia may be winners (celia always uses "您") like she's talking to her grandpa
Not that the other ppl are not polite, but you two are extremely polite You may have trouble dealing with the rough streets of HK
原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-11-2007 10:58 發表 Haha, you always thank people for this and that, so polite, I think if there's a "most polite person" vote, you and celia may be winners (celia always uses "您") like she's talking to ...
對住rough既世界我地係咪應該要rough D?
No la... maybe in reality you can be quite rough already
Maybe Shiawase is a taxi driver and you are a policewoman
原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-11-2007 11:31 發表 No la... maybe in reality you can be quite rough already Maybe Shiawase is a taxi driver and you are a policewoman
a taxi driver isn't necessarily a rough person wor (啊!你'奇視' ...I mean you are not long-sighted or short-sighted, but '奇視', i.e. '奇怪視力' )
I guess policewoman can be tough, not necessarily rough
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-11-2007 11:43 發表 a taxi driver isn't necessarily a rough person wor (啊!你'奇視' ...I mean you are not long-sighted or short-sighted, but '奇視', i.e. '奇怪視力' ) I guess policewoman can be t ...
That's why I said you CAN be rough (if a drunk passenger comes in and starts to puke, or a female cop stops your cab for nothing )
Or in the case of the female cop, if the taxi driver refuses to stop at the road block
原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-11-2007 11:44 發表 That's why I said you CAN be rough (if a drunk passenger comes in and starts to puke, or a female cop stops your cab for nothing ) Or in the case of the female cop, if the tax ...
the 1st example you mentioned reminded me of a recent HK news: it's about a male drunk passenger (a celebrity) who _______ several male taxi drivers in the past few months, very "au"心 (sorry, it just reminded me of that news )
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-11-2007 12:01 發表 the 1st example you mentioned reminded me of a recent HK news: it's about a male drunk passenger (a celebrity) who _______ several male taxi drivers in the ...
several? I thought he only did it once and got arrested the next day?
You mean the "Prince of xxxxx flower xxx"?
原帖由 ar_woo 於 11-11-2007 12:05 發表 several? I thought he only did it once and got arrested the next day? You mean the "Prince of xxxxx flower xxx"?
yes, that's the one I was talking about apparently several days after he got arrested, a couple of other taxi drivers came out to say that a few weeks/months ago similar incidents happened to them as well
Also the "Prince of xxxxx flower xxx" got a picture taken by the paparazzi whilst he was in a taxi a few weeks/months ago, the picture was taken just when he was being asked by the taxi driver to leave the taxi (because of what he had done), so the "Prince" looked very startled when he saw the paparazzi
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-11-2007 12:14 發表 yes, that's the one I was talking about apparently several days after he got arrested, a couple of other taxi drivers came out to say that a few weeks/months ago simi ...
wow, u follow HK news a lot more than I do! In the gossip sections at least
but maybe the other drivers just wanted to squeeze money outta him as they leanred he wanted to settle it with the real "victim" by $$$? Ar_woo always comes up with conspiracy theories
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 11-11-2007 12:22 編輯 ]原帖由 ar_woo 於 10-11-2007 11:21 PM 發表 wow, u follow HK news a lot more than I do! In the gossip sections at least but maybe the other drivers just wanted to squeeze money outta him as they leanred he wanted to s ...
先要多謝 Paco....
我講笑,各位oldcakessss 唔好嬲~~!
原帖由 toby 於 11-11-2007 15:21 發表 哈哈哈~~~ 我真的好開心!! 先要多謝 Paco.... 多謝爸爸,媽媽... 我講笑,各位oldcakessss 唔好嬲~~! 得到人哋o既贊同,當然好開心~!! 但冇人介紹,我自己喜歡要成立這樣轉門 ...
Congrats and biggest thanks to Toby Dai Dai! And thanks to all the oldcake members too for all those valuable contributions! Having this site is better than having your own McCafe at home... I mean I can provide my own cookies and drinks, but no other site can provide the joy oldcake.net brings!
原帖由 toby 於 11-11-2007 15:21 發表哈哈哈~~~
先要多謝 Paco....
我講笑,各位oldcakessss 唔好嬲~~!
! Toby 兄終於寫完台詞啦! 哈哈哈!!!It's so funny you said "先要多謝 Paco....多謝爸爸,媽媽..." sounds so much like what singers usually say at those 頒獎典禮
Toby 兄, as one of the oldcake.net members, I would like to say THANK YOU again to you for creating this wonderful "老人園" for us!
原帖由 Shiawase 於 11-11-2007 20:04 發表 嘩嘩嘩! Toby 兄終於寫完台詞啦! 哈哈哈!!! It's so funny you said "先要多謝 Paco....多謝爸爸,媽媽..." sounds so much like what singers usually say at those 頒獎典禮 Toby 兄 ...
妳這活躍的耆英 ,
我們在"老人園"聚餐 ,
一定會搵妳 ~!!
再一次謝謝你, Toby
Toby兄, 不如翻嚟過聖誕
但你們等我呀~~ ~
原帖由 celia 於 10-11-2007 22:47 發表 Thank you monoakira & 綠寶210 仲有 Shiawase Post 左D內容比我地欣賞呀~ 您地真係Celia!我搜尋過都搜尋唔到呀~
Shiawase 和 Celia 姐太客氣.
原帖由 toby 於 11-11-2007 15:21 發表 哈哈哈~~~ 我真的好開心!! 先要多謝 Paco.... 多謝爸爸,媽媽... 我講笑,各位oldcakessss 唔好嬲~~! 得到人哋o既贊同,當然好開心~!! 但冇人介紹,我自己喜歡要成立這樣專門 ...
謝謝TOBY 網主就真.
Oldcake 網包羅萬有, 香港NO.1
Toby Dada:thank you !
Hi 綠寶210 , for your information, the word "Celia" can have a few different meanings (on this forum), not only it's Celia's name, it can also mean "犀利呀!" (which is what it meant in this case !)
原帖由 toby 於 11-11-2007 10:05 AM 發表 wwl36兄, 多謝你的邀請,但我暫時沒計劃回港...因為: http://www.oldcake.net/viewthread.php?tid=6979&highlight= 但你們等我呀~~ ~
原帖由 toby 於 11-11-2007 02:21 AM 發表 哈哈哈~~~ 我真的好開心!! 先要多謝 Paco.... 多謝爸爸,媽媽... 我講笑,各位oldcakessss 唔好嬲~~! 得到人哋o既贊同,當然好開心~!! 但冇人介紹,我自己喜歡要成立這樣專門 ...
珍氏年鑑...becuase it have a lot of old people...
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-11-2007 03:20 發表 Hi 綠寶210 , for your information, the word "Celia" can have a few different meanings (on this forum), not only it's Celia's name, it can also mean "犀利呀!" (which is what it ...
''犀利呀''係Shiawase幫我改既中文名 好洗好用
原帖由 celia 於 12-11-2007 11:01 發表
''犀利呀''係Shiawase幫我改既中文名 好洗好用
Wah, you got good memories, actually I forgot where the term "犀利呀" got started, thanks for reminding about that thread!
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-11-2007 03:20 發表 Hi 綠寶210 , for your information, the word "Celia" can have a few different meanings (on this forum), not only it's Celia's name, it can also mean "犀利呀!" (which is what it ...
oldcake.net 專用術語好 Celia 呀.
原帖由 celia 於 12-11-2007 11:01 發表 ''犀利呀''係Shiawase幫我改既中文名 好洗好用 您睇下呢度應該會明白晒架la http://www.oldcake.net/viewthread.php?tid=6805&extra=page%3D1
Toyota Celica 都好 "犀利o架".
原帖由 toby 於 11-11-2007 15:21 發表 哈哈哈~~~ 我真的好開心!! 先要多謝 Paco.... 多謝爸爸,媽媽... 我講笑,各位oldcakessss 唔好嬲~~! 得到人哋o既贊同,當然好開心~!! 但冇人介紹,我自己喜歡要成立這樣專門 ...
原帖由 Shiawase 於 12-11-2007 20:03 發表 Wah, you got good memories, actually I forgot where the term "犀利呀" got started, thanks for reminding about that thread!
Celica "犀利o架"的確都好 Celia!!!
原帖由 高立 於 13-11-2007 09:48 發表 呢d全賴 toby 大人鴷\勞 , 推動呢個 "集體回歸" 麉O肓行動, 令大家可以聚首一堂, 唔似得其他網, d人成日謙, 污煙脤氣. old cake 咁受大家歡迎, 因為這裡是我]生活中(精神上 ...
Celia Celia Celia...old cake net!! 先感謝 Toby brother 設置o尼個 ' 老人園 ' 比我o地..!!而家重有傳媒報導..tim.值得可喜
agree 高立兄的講法這是我們的 ' 淨 土 '!一定要保護呢個淨土平台...
原帖由 阿誠 於 10-11-2007 15:59 發表 太強啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!celia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 入面寫左啲咩呀~? 不過講真..如果多了人固然高興..但我唔想oldcake變到好似「某論壇」咁雜......
原帖由 celia 於 10-11-2007 09:47 AM 發表 Thank you monoakira & 綠寶210 仲有 Shiawase Post 左D內容比我地欣賞呀~ 您地真係Celia!我搜尋過都搜尋唔到呀~
your words are about 6% of this entire site! If oldcake.net offers IPO, you may become very very rich
用戶組: | 論壇元老 |
發帖數級別: | 元老級特撮迷 |
閱讀權限: | 90 |
積分: | 3127 |
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帖子: | 3110 (占全部帖子的 5.7%) |
平均每日發帖: | 11.14 帖子 |
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-11-2007 12:55 發表 your words are about 6% of this entire site! If oldcake.net offers IPO, you may become very very rich 用戶組: 論壇元老 發帖數級別: 元老級特撮迷 閱讀權限 ...
Or the Next Magazine may interview you as the few female oldcakes who are "Yuen Lo" members of this predominantly male site.... and pay you a large "appearance fee" Would you do it?
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-11-2007 13:05 發表 Or the Next Magazine may interview you as the few female oldcakes who are "Yuen Lo" members of this predominantly male site.... and pay you a large "appearance fee" Would yo ...
點會有咁既事 點會咁o徙錢比D無謂人 呢個幾會應該係等於O
原帖由 celia 於 13-11-2007 10:28 發表 Celica~嘩~呢個名都好唔錯呀~~~ Haha......好似我呀~ 之前唔知有呢個名,而家知la~ Celica "犀利o架"的確都好 Celia!!!
So if Celia drives a Toyota Celica, then I can say:
"渣" 犀利o架 好犀利呀!
Wah, Celia is already a "元老級特撮迷"! Very Celia!
真o的嗎? 些些~
but 矢作省吾 has that motorbike helmet on.... how to do the ??
原帖由 Shiawase 於 13-11-2007 15:58 發表 So if Celia drives a Toyota Celica, then I can say: 犀利呀 "渣" 犀利o架 好犀利呀!
有一輪冇goo嘢又發作.... 今次goo celia 的職業.... 是否和小孩子有关?
啱唔啱先? 答完我先揭露無厘頭goo法
anyway, this kind of crazy random "goo" has tiny chance of being right Another one: do you live in Yuen Long?
ar_woo needs to gogogo (not goo) now, bye everyone & see you all tonight... or tomorrow...
點解咁goo既原因... 有興趣goo law....
(haha, no more writing pad, can only cut-and-paste your words and form new ones)
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-11-2007 18:01 發表 anyway, this kind of crazy random "goo" has tiny chance of being right Another one: do you live in Yuen Long? ar_woo needs to gogogo (not goo) now, bye everyone & s ...
Yuen Long係曾經住過,而家唔係
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-11-2007 18:03 發表 您知道答案..... 點解咁goo既原因... 有興趣goo law.... (haha, no more writing pad, can only cut-and-paste your words and form new ones)
曾經住過!!! wa! so happy! that counts as half right! ar_goo made 1/2 correct goo_ar!
See you! More goo later!
no, not 好野, just that I cannot type Chinese find it so difficult to learn and gave up... very poor skill set... can only sell C
請大聲讀出以下句子 :
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-11-2007 18:07 發表 no, not 好野, just that I cannot type Chinese find it so difficult to learn and gave up... very poor skill set... can only sell C
Sell C 都唔易做架,要好大既忍耐力
錯la我人緣不嬲都唔好,上到oldcake net咪唔會寂寞囉~唔洗麻煩人
今晚要睇下個月亮係咪full moon先
long time no see, fumoon how are you lately?
ha ha ha, very "celia"! We said the same thing at the same time!
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 14-11-2007 11:44 編輯 ]
原帖由 Shiawase 於 13-11-2007 10:43 PM 發表 ha ha ha, very "celia"! We said the same thing at the same time!
原帖由 Shiawase 於 14-11-2007 11:43 發表 ha ha ha, very "celia"! We said the same thing at the same time!
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