請問有無人食過中環擺花街的泰昌蛋撻 (ie. 以前港督彭定康常常去邦襯個間)?
Are the 蛋撻 really that good? Any feedback from anyone? Thanks!
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 4-8-2007 10:00 編輯 ]
Yes gar, that's the one!! ...so it sounded like you haven't tried it before, right 奇俠2007 ?
蛋撻我都鐘意食 新鮮出盧更加好.
我鶪擖h開中環做,突然醒起 '' 泰昌 '' 餅店鉔花街就即刻走去買蛋~試麉Y唔係真係咁好味......
係蛋~' 皮 ' 夠實又夠牛油味至真 !!
原帖由 Shiawase 於 4-8-2007 09:59 發表 請問有無人食過中環擺花街的泰昌蛋撻 (ie. 以前港督彭定康常常去邦襯個間)? Are the 蛋撻 really that good? Any feedback from anyone? Thanks! http://www.epochtimes.com/i6/51111065221 ...
not bad, I tried it at the original location b4 they moved. Now you can find it at 旺角新世紀, though a much smaller shop. But I guess it's a bit of a stretch for you to FLY to HK and try it.... haha... another guess
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 4-8-2007 23:13 編輯 ]
"出城"?..."大鄉里出城"? (...only kidding ja! )
When you said "檀島", I thought you meant "檀香山" ...so i did some search on google and realised that there is quite a popular cafe called 檀島Cafe in HK (oops, i'm so out-dated )
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 4-8-2007 11:12 發表 我鶪擖h開中環做,突然醒起 '' 泰昌 '' 餅店鉔花街就即刻走去買蛋~試麉Y唔係真係咁好味...... 真係好好味.......!!我鐘意蛋~夠實又夠牛油味
You made me very hungry ar!!!
I will definitely try it one day, can't wait!!
I believe there are many other nice places for desserts in your area.... yeah, it's probably not worth spending $20? or $30? to goto Central from 新界 for an egg tart! (...unless you are very very 為食 like me! )
Thanks for the info!
..since you have tried both 泰昌 & 檀島, so comparing between the two, what score would you give each (out of 10)?
原帖由 ar_woo 於 4-8-2007 23:09 發表 not bad, I tried it at the original location b4 they moved. Now you can find it at 旺角新世紀, though a much smaller shop. But I guess it's a bit of a stretch for you to FLY to HK and ...
They had to close their shop from their original location because the landlord increased the rent by heaps (3 times?...can't remember exactly)...but the owner was lucky to subsequently (only recently I think) find a suitable place which is pretty much opposite their original location in Central, so the shop still exists in Central. Good that they have one in MongKok now to cater for people on the Kowloon side!
"FLY to HK"?! (....what do you mean by that?!? ... I really don't understand.... )
原帖由 Shiawase 於 4-8-2007 23:27 發表 They had to close their shop from their original location because the landlord increased the rent by heaps (3 times?...can't remember exactly)...but the owner was lucky ...
Oh, I thought you may be "Wonder Woman" ma (remember her?)... fly to HK side to see if the tarts are any different from those on Kowloon side...
Actually I didn't know they still have a shop in Central... thought that the tiny shop in MK is the only one... Dai Heung Lei me... thanks for the info!
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 4-8-2007 23:32 編輯 ]原帖由 ar_woo 於 4-8-2007 23:30 發表 Oh, I thought you may be "Wonder Woman" ma (remember her?)... fly to HK side to see if the tarts are any different from those on Kowloon side... Actually I didn't know t ...
Me =/=Wonder Woman = me = Wonder Woman ?!?!?! (... ha ha, doesn't this type of "woo see luen seung" formula look familiar?! )
Now their address is: 擺花街35號地下 (近閣麟街) ...got that info by searching google (....by the way, I am not trying to advertise for them, I don't get any commissions from them at all ga )
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 5-8-2007 09:32 編輯 ]but the owner was lucky to subsequently (only recently I think) find a suitable place which is pretty much opposite their original location in Central, so the shop still exists in Central. Good that they have one in MongKok now to cater for people on the Kowloon side!
係呀.....Shiawase小姐...........真係時來運到o架,又會咁琣雀︿hop鉰\花街附近吉鬙X !!
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 5-8-2007 17:25 發表 係呀.....Shiawase小姐...........真係時來運到o架,又會咁琣雀︿hop鉰\花街附近吉鬙X !! 至於九龍黧“琱S末去過諠~~唔知新世紀廣場幾多樓呢?!瓥J撻又係唔係歐陽師父做呢??!
Hey 超人兄弟兄, when you went to the one in Central the other day, did you have your egg tart there inside the shop (ie. when the tart was still "熱辣辣"? or did you buy take away?)...is there any room inside the shop for people to eat the freshly baked egg tarts? [ Sorry for being a "問題小女" (i mean "問題老餅") ]
原帖由 超人兄弟 於 5-8-2007 17:25 發表 係呀.....Shiawase小姐...........真係時來運到o架,又會咁琣雀︿hop鉰\花街附近吉鬙X !! 至於九龍黧“琱S末去過諠~~唔知新世紀廣場幾多樓呢?!瓥J撻又係唔係歐陽師父做呢??!
I found the address at www.openrice.com:
According to www.openrice.com, it looks like only the one in 青衣城 has closed down, all the others are still there...(but i'm not 100% sure though)
檀島咖啡餅店 Honolulu Coffee Shop 灣仔軒尼詩道176-178 號地下及閣樓 2575-1823 |
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檀島咖啡餅店 Honolulu Coffee Shop 中環士丹利街33號地下 2526-8063 |
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檀島咖啡餅店 (CLOSED) Honolulu Cafe (CLOSED) 青衣青衣城119號舖 2449 0195 |
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檀島咖啡餅店 將軍澳連理街 TBC |
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檀島咖啡 Honolulu Coffee Shop 赤臘角機場2號客運大廈翔天廊6P037A舖 TBC |
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檀島咖啡餅店 Honolulu 將軍澳坑口東港城Area A 2628 4925 |
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檀島咖啡餅店 Honolulu 旺角洗衣街135號 2449-0195 |
原帖由 Shiawase 於 5-8-2007 18:51 發表 檀島執埋?? According to www.openrice.com, it looks like only the one in 青衣城 has closed down, all the others are still there...(but i'm not 100% sure though) ...
Don't worry simonkawah, you are not 娘炳 ar, it's just that the pace in Hong Kong is so fast, it's sometimes very difficult to keep up with the latest news
[ 本帖最後由 CKCK 於 6-8-2007 00:25 編輯 ]did you have your egg tart there inside the shop (ie. when the tart was still "熱辣辣"? or did you buy take away?)...is there any room inside the shop for people to eat the freshly baked egg tarts?
hey miss shaiwase, no la.......the shop no any other space for people to eat tart!!coz......the shop not so big!(我見有齯H一買鰲N即刻馵E外邊' ' o架 啦 )
i buy take away and the tart still ' warm '......i think ' warm ' better.....,if too hot you can't enter the tart to your mouth.......hehe
I found the address at www.openrice.com:
泰昌餅家: 旺角新世紀廣場L5美食廣場535舖
thanks a lot your imformtion miss shaiwase
原帖由 Shiawase 於 5-8-2007 18:51 發表 檀島執埋?? According to www.openrice.com, it looks like only the one in 青衣城 has closed down, all the others are still there...(but i'm not 100% sure though) ...
咦!仲有咁多間!幸甚!小弟靚仔時家住土瓜灣!果陣新華國貨隔離有間檀島;果陣最愛他們的蛋撻!撻面有一‘ 浸 ’ 凝結了的黃油(家下d人實嫌肥!我就覺甘香law......... );若好彩碰岩新鮮出爐;熱辣辣!咁就真係相得益彰勒!好到極!
果陣那裡的叉燒飽(西式那種!)入面果d真係叉燒;同埋d洋蔥還是生生地;所以口感爽;又帶點辣!(但土瓜灣檀島執左後;成30年食云港九的西式叉燒飽;都搵唔番呢亭口味lu ;早幾年發現旺角金華茶餐廳的叉燒飽都有水準;用真的叉燒!有咬頭!食完仲有D叉燒絲sip響牙縫;要牙簽挑!但d洋蔥少得滯鴗S過熟!洋蔥係要生生地先過癮家嘛! !所以我只能給他們60分! )
至於;旺角洗衣街新檀島!(YEAH!!!!!!!! 等左咁多年終於有檀島重新出現響九龍勒!)麵飽款式好多!燒味飯睇落都幾好食!不過好似得2或3張小^.................
[ 本帖最後由 火馬 於 6-8-2007 14:40 編輯 ]原帖由 超人兄弟 於 6-8-2007 09:46 發表 hey miss shaiwase, no la.......the shop no any other space for people to eat tart!!coz......the shop not so big!(我見有齯H一買鰲N即刻馵E外邊' ...
Thanks for your response
......ha ha, if the tarts are too hot, easy to 辣親個口
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 6-8-2007 19:08 編輯 ]
you are welcome
原帖由 火馬 於 6-8-2007 13:18 發表 咦!仲有咁多間!幸甚!小弟靚仔時家住土瓜灣!果陣新華國貨隔離有間檀島;果陣最愛他們的蛋撻!撻面有一‘ 浸 ’ 凝結了的黃油(家下d人實嫌肥!我就覺甘香law......... );若好彩碰岩新鮮出爐;熱 ...
Wah, 好有心得, 好一個(為)食家!
YUMMY YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
泰昌、檀島都食過, 各有千秋(泰昌:曲奇,檀島:酥皮),不過都好好食
不過, 我最鍾意果間, 始終都係「豪華」
原帖由 Potato 於 16-8-2008 01:31 發表 泰昌和檀島我都食過,不過我還是喜歡泰昌。每次路過新世紀附近,都會心思思買番件蟑飽A個皮好香牛油味,d蛋又滑,真係好好味。依家泰昌多鬫n多鋪,除鷛s世紀外,荷李活廣場、觀塘、黃埔吉之島都有分店。
, 有咁多間? (佢地依家"更有一間嚮左近"! )嘩, 流哂口水. 如果我日日都有蛋撻食就好咯. 特別係可以響食晚飯之前用微波爐叮返兩個黎食, 就真係人生一大享受.
[ 本帖最後由 亞力 於 16-8-2008 18:26 編輯 ]
E? mud 你好鍾意食Lee D 野架咩? 又好似幾健康咁Bor
無計啦, 人大左, 身體機能開始衰退. 食物都係以健康為主.
我都係咁話,但先排做完body check……有排都唔食得啦……
嘩, 咩事唔食得蛋撻既? 要保重保重.
"酥皮" 會好味 , 不過好似用豬油做的, so not so healthy
I have tried "泰昌"蛋撻, 其實有小小失望, 無想像中咁好味 , 可能 expectation 太大啦 (同埋, 因為要企嚮街食 , 食得唔係好自在, o喜o喜 )
, please take care原帖由 Shiawase 於 17-8-2008 13:44 發表 "酥皮" 會好味 , 不過好似用豬油做的, so not so healthy I have tried "泰昌"蛋撻, 其實有小小失望, 無想像中咁好味 , 可能 expectation 太大啦 (同埋, 因為要企嚮街食 , 食得唔係 ...
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