原帖由 darknight007 於 9-6-2007 10:26 發表 大概在70年代的一套西片, 中文譯名叫"霸王伏魔". 故事大概講述古希臘王打完木馬屠城之後回師故鄉的艱險之旅. 最深刻的幾場劇情是:1) 戰勝獨眼巨神人, 巨人飲醉後被插盲獨眼, 巨人從羊群中摸索人來吃.2) 主角入 ...
clash of the Titans. 不過都係找不到中文名.
記憶中還有一套叫"神將福星" ga 希臘神話戲....有無人知個英文名?
Jason And The Argonauts (神將福星)
此片是根據希臘 神話 故事改編而成。故事講述王子傑森返回希賽利王國,並且希望能繼承王位,但由於王位被皇叔搶去,諸神要求傑森必須先取得神奇的金羊毛後,方能合法地繼承他的王位。在女神希拉的秘密幫助下,傑森帶領一行人搭乘艾果號船,前往高哲斯國,尋找傳說中的金羊毛。在那兒,他們遇上了重重險阻,包括了:有生命的雕像、七頭海蛇怪、女身鳥翼怪獸、骷髏軍隊等,但最可怕的還是要面對當地的國王,因為傑森愛上了國王的女兒美迪亞,兩人一見鍾情。最後,在美麗公主美迪亞的幫助下,傑森終於尋獲金羊毛,順利奪回王位,更娶得美人歸。這部二千年作品《神將福星》利用不少電腦特技效果,單就骷髏軍隊追殺傑森的一幕就耗了超過四個月時間,製作龐大認真。
神將福星多年前已出一區DVD, 在下都收集一隻作收藏, 當時黚S技確出色 , 但一定不是使用電腦去做的.
[ 本帖最後由 PPM 於 13-3-2008 22:15 編輯 ]
未有電腦特技時, Ray Harryhausen 的電影特技最神奇.
Stop motion animation
Before the advent of computers for camera motion control and CGI, movies used a variety of approaches to achieve animated special effects. One approach was stop-motion animation which used realistic miniature models (more accurately called model animation), used for the first time in a feature film in "The Lost World", and most famously in King Kong (1933).
The work of pioneer model animator Willis O'Brien in King Kong inspired Harryhausen to work in this unique field, almost single-handedly keeping the technique alive for three decades. O'Brien's career floundered for most of his life--most of his cherished projects were never realized--but Harryhausen was the right person at the right time, and achieved considerable success.
Harryhausen prefers not to compare his work with special effects animation in live action films to the completely animated films of Tim Burton, Nick Park, Ivo Caprino, Ladislav Starevich and many others, which he sees as pure "puppet films", and which are more accurately (and traditionally) called "puppet animation".
Model animated characters interact with, and are a part of, the live-action world, with the idea that they will cease to call attention to themselves as "animation", which is different from the more obviously "cartoony" and stylized approach in movies like Chicken Run and The Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.
Springing from O'Brien's groundbreaking work, Harryhausen continued bringing stop-motion into the realm of live action movies, keeping alive and refining the techniques created by O'Brien that he had first developed as early as 1917. Harryhausen's last film was Clash of the Titans, produced in the early 1980s. Currently he is involved in producing colorized DVD versions of three of his classic black and white films (20 Million Miles to Earth, Earth v. The Flying Saucers, and It Came From Beneath the Sea) and a film from the producer of the original King Kong (She).
這一類神怪電影著名的還有 [月宮寶盒], [一千零一夜: 伏妖降魔]
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