YES, 是82-83年間.....我剛剛上中四. 邊個講唔係. 快D打999. 拉出來丙!
[ 本帖最後由 foureyesfatboy 於 30-8-2007 08:06 編輯 ]
有乜咁好笑 呀.
原帖由 celia 於 30-8-2007 10:19 發表 要記住邊年好難記 但我都有D印像做既時候我緊小學下午班 放學5:30pm,'答'完校車返到屋企六點鐘,岩岩做左少少 一落校車就衝返屋企睇 好似係5:55pm做架(冇記錯的話)
冇..... 睇到您話要打IDD999,跟住仲要'甲乙丙丁'佢...咪....
對, 82年我在表舅父間繡花廠打工, 當年以廠為家所以買咗部手提彩電放係工作抬, 開工時間掛住睇 IQ博士停晒手 (最大罪係引埋班女車工都圍住睇kaka笑唔做嘢) , 結果被投訴充公咗部電視機
原帖由 celia 於 30-8-2007 11:43 發表 冇..... 睇到您話要打IDD999,跟住仲要'甲乙丙丁'佢...咪.... 係咩??乜係咁分既咩??我唔知呀 咁如果績好又想揀下午唔想咁早起身咁咪唔得? & ...
下午班精英是同上午不同是由 E, D, C, B, A起. 我一定是BOB 呢.
因為下午班之故所以唔係成日有得睇IQ博士...放學回到家已經成六點半..... 千年女王只是睇過一兩集....
MARCOSS....都唔多. 所以下午真係唔好.
原帖由 elvisyuen 於 30-8-2007 16:01 發表 對, 82年我在表舅父間繡花廠打工, 當年以廠為家所以買咗部手提彩電放係工作抬, 開工時間掛住睇 IQ博士停晒手 (最大罪係引埋班女車工都圍住睇kaka笑唔做嘢) , 結果被投訴充公咗部電 ...
為了心頭好只好...."PO" 一 "PO" <--唔識打D個字....
[ 本帖最後由 foureyesfatboy 於 30-8-2007 23:46 編輯 ]原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 30-8-2007 23:43 發表 我真是試過問校務處轉上午班...他回答成績好先有得讀 下午班精英是同上午不同是由 E, D, C, B, A起. 我一定是BOB 呢. 因為下午班之故所以唔係成日有得睇IQ博士...放學回到家已經成 ...
[ 本帖最後由 foureyesfatboy 於 4-9-2007 08:29 編輯 ]無錯早上有重播....不過我訓到成11:00點所以MISS矖.
不過我好早起身. 零晨4:00起身番工8:00am番家再訓........ 唔幸苦唔得世間財.
原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 4-9-2007 11:11 發表 無錯早上有重播....不過我訓到成11:00點所以MISS矖. 不過我好早起身. 零晨4:00起身番工8:00am番家再訓........ 唔幸苦唔得世間財.
記唔記得下午班幾點返學?我淨係記得放學時間(因為IQ博士 ),就唔記得返學時間
原帖由 celia 於 5-9-2007 09:58 發表 您而家零晨4:00起身番工8:00am番家再訓??咁早放工?? 我都唔記得自己以前訓到幾點haha,記得果時要好早食飯架,跟住要去等校車,其實朝頭早都冇乜時間 記唔記得下午班幾點返學?我淨係 ...
係當年的事.....e+ 番朝9:30晚5:30....讀書時份工差不多係報紙仔只做三個鐘. 不過幾好pay.
haha....經過您手之後多左血腥味 令我諗起,好似琴日新聞話之前有個少年比人打死,好暴力呀
原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 5-9-2007 10:24 發表 係當年的事.....e+ 番朝9:30晚5:30....讀書時份工差不多係報紙仔只做三個鐘. 不過幾好pay. 我只是網上暴力平時好斯文(不過唔係敗類)
hey hey, good to see you back celia!
I went to Shun Wo recently and saw some retro IQ博士 model kits (Siu Wan & all kinds of items in that village). I heard that only the box is different, things inside are the same. The price is now a lot lower of course.
原帖由 ar_woo 於 5-9-2007 12:34 發表 hey hey, good to see you back celia! I went to Shun Wo recently and saw some retro IQ博士 model kits (Siu Wan & all kinds of items in that village). I heard that only the ...
hihi~Thanks!點解 box is different 翻版?水貨?
I saw them for sale in Toronto...$20CAD each.
原帖由 celia 於 5-9-2007 14:31 發表 hihi~Thanks!點解 box is different 翻版?水貨? 我都覺得IQ博士D人物、屋仔等各樣幾得意,成套場景咁應該都會幾好睇
no, not 翻版 or 水貨, I guess they just want to make it different from the old version (so that people who bought the old version won't complain )
But I heard the contents are the same.
Saw it at Mr. Lo's (盧子英 we call him Dr. Toy ) new shop
原帖由 ar_woo 於 5-9-2007 15:01 發表 no, not 翻版 or 水貨, I guess they just want to make it different from the old version (so that people who bought the old version won't complain ) But I heard the conte ...
He's famous in toy and ANIME stuff
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 5-9-2007 18:22 編輯 ]he's been called 香港動畫之父 though more commonly known as 玩具收藏家
I heard that when there was "Education TV" (ETV) when we were kids, he's the one who made those "clay character cartoons" (i.e. figures made of clay that would move, by frame-by-frame filming)
he's the first guy on the right in the link above. recognize him?
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 5-9-2007 17:52 編輯 ]原帖由 ar_woo 於 5-9-2007 15:22 發表 he's been called 香港動畫之父 though more commonly know as 玩具收藏家 I heard that when there was "Education TV" when we were kids, he's the one who made those "clay character cartoons" ...
oh~Thank you~名就聽過....但樣未見過haha....真係有眼不識泰山
Actually I wonder if some of those 4 guys in that picture are oldcake members Link: http://www.cuhkacs.org/~benng/Bo-Blog/read.php?624 (it reads just like another oldcake dinner report )
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 5-9-2007 18:23 編輯 ]
原帖由 ar_woo 於 5-9-2007 17:54 發表 Actually I wonder if some of those 4 guys in that picture are oldcake members Link: http://www.cuhkacs.org/~benng/Bo-Blog/read.php?624 (it reads just like another oldcake d ...
左面第一個是"何故" 以下是他的個人網頁
, 第三個是"吳偉明"
原帖由 adamying 於 6-9-2007 10:03 發表 左面第一個是"何故" 以下是他的個人網頁 http://www.cuhkacs.org/~hegu/Bo-Blog/index.php , 第三個是"吳偉明" http://www.cuhkacs.org/~benng/Bo-Blog/index.php
actually I only know Lo Sir and have no idea about the other 3. Bro Adamying knows a lot more than I do ... I wonder if he's actually one of them
could celia post your 睇到樣 picture here please?
[ 本帖最後由 ar_woo 於 6-9-2007 11:29 編輯 ]其實我都唔係好熟佢地, 不過吳偉明博士(冇記錯的話)係大學做事, 佢對中日關係/文化都有比較深入認識.
在其website內有好多佢本人的心得/見解和他人分享. 可以入去看看. 他不時也有舉辦講座有機會可以聽聽, 我有朋友去聽過, 都覺得佢的見解不錯.
何故 , 本名我不太清楚, 上次 super robot 演唱會佢都有去, 佢都幾積極參與本地與acg有關的活動.
剛剛的書展, 佢有本小說推出.
原帖由 ar_woo 於 6-9-2007 11:27 發表 actually I only know Lo Sir and have no idea about the other 3. Bro Adamying knows a lot more than I do ... I wonder if he's actually one of them could celia post ...
原帖由 adamying 於 6-9-2007 12:15 發表 何故 , 本名我不太清楚, 上次 super robot 演唱會佢都有去, 佢都幾積極參與本地與acg有關的活動. 剛剛的書展, 佢有本小說推出.
I remembered that as soon as I posted... but how about something more recent? haha...
原帖由 ar_woo 於 6-9-2007 16:30 發表 I remembered that as soon as I posted... but how about something more recent? haha...
haha....recent 都老啦.....ar_woo您諗得太好la....會失望架...
don't worry la, I'm older than you/SHiawase/inabottle/kitsir/etc
how do you know? are you "goo-ing" again?
I think there was an age group survey and you're all < 40?
咁肯定大過我地?難道您 >40 ?
and are you >40?
No, I am <= 40
ha ha, we said the same thing at the same second too!
No, if x <=40, then x is NOT > 40 You should know, university professor (my guess on Shiawase's job)
You are <=40? (so it could be less than or equal to 40!!) ic ic (and if you are saying we are all <40, and you think we are all younger than you, then it means you must be 40 now? Right? I got the "Goo" bug too, sorry!)
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 6-9-2007 23:05 編輯 ]原帖由 Shiawase 於 6-9-2007 23:04 發表 You are <=40? (so it could be less than or equal to 40!!) ic ic (and if you are saying we are all <40, then it means you are 40 now? I got the "Goo" bug too, sorry!)
just do the math yourself, professor
you are so analytical you have to be one
原帖由 Shiawase 於 6-9-2007 23:04 發表 You are <=40? (so it could be less than or equal to 40!!) ic ic (and if you are saying we are all <40, and you think we are all younger than you, then it means you must be& ...
花都有好多種! 有d10蚊有一扎
and there is also a 花 which is very "fit" ( = 花 "fit"!)
仲有口花花 VS 口水花, 老花, 花仙子, 花估
i know, you are 花式 (as in 花式藍球)
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