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標題: An Unhappy Event [打印本頁]

作者: godrider    時間: 10-5-2012 16:33     標題: An Unhappy Event

Dear Bro or Sis who have kid under 4 yrs old.


I wish to share an unhappy experience being underwent by my baby who is just 1 year old.


My spouse learnt from to know a playgroup in Circle Bldg of HK side and paid to attend the playgroup for trial basis with a discount sum.


When we attended,  the teacher only allowed one parent to accompany the baby and my wife accompanied my baby to attend.  The playgroup is designed for a small class and only 4 babies to attend the playgroup.  The teacher was a foreigner (an Indian or Pakistan, not European or Amercian).  My son was first time to attend a playgroup who is just 1 year old now and he was crying for the earlier session for about 15 minutes and then he was calm down but the teacher has never tried to calm down my son. Instead, she igonred my son throught the 1 hour playgroup.    When my son kept calm and wished to join the play, the teacher rarely paid attention to him and just pay attention to a elder baby who had attened playgroup before and ignored (even isolated) my son   and another smaller baby with approx. 11 mths who was crying in the middle of the session.  At the end of the event, the teacher told my wife that she was scare of my son because he was crying.  My son showed unhappy for being ignored or isolated and was unhappy for several hours thought he is just 1 year old.  Luckily, if my son were older, for instance 3-4 years old and being ignored or isolated, then a negative psychological effect might be incurred.


Oh, my God, how a female guy who claimed herself an experienced teacher who showed no concern and love to baby and would scare to baby's crying   I felt extremely angry and made a feedback to the who then sent my feedback to the playgroup institution.   I blamed the institution  for not providing love and concern to the baby and not fulfilled to her hypocritical mission to help to develop the talent of future master.  I thought that the institution only tried her best to crave for money .  I  also told the ins


I even felt wrathful after received the reply from the institution.  The institution denied that the teacher has said the wording "scare" and insisted the teacher was done the right thing and was full of experience that nobody should calm, down a crying baby if the baby is not physically injuried, otherwise, the baby would suffer from further damaging.  What a hogwash answer and is diffcult to understand.


What a hogwash playgroup.




作者: 吉吉    時間: 10-5-2012 22:20

Godrider 兄, 勿生氣. 

一個小朋友嘅成長豈是短短一小時嘅playgroup 就能主宰或改變??

最重要嘅係作為父母, 你想你嘅子女將來變成(或培養成為)一個點樣嘅人.

學習當然少不了.   知識, 除咗學術上之外,更包括許多日常生活上嘅自我照顧能力(此謂之技能, 生於多變嘅世上必須有multiple-skill)---小朋友總不能永遠在父母的保護傘下生活


當知識, 技能與正確嘅價值觀都傳授給 小朋友後, 再來祇好看他的際遇與造化,  靜靜觀看他的成就.

作者: godrider    時間: 11-5-2012 09:33

原帖由 吉吉 於 10-5-2012 22:20 發表 Godrider 兄, 勿生氣.  一個小朋友鵀赤灠Z是短短一小時鮥laygroup 就能主宰或改變??最重要麉Y作為父母, 你想你鴾l女將來變成(或培養成為)一個點樣鴾H.學習當然少不了. ...









作者: 吉吉    時間: 11-5-2012 22:23

現今作為父母通常都係新手, 無經驗.   但無經驗係咪代表可以犯錯??

錯有乜緊要?----我可以從錯誤中學習,人生係需要經驗的嗎! (我曾經聽人咁講過)





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