原帖由 hknight 於 24-11-2006 14:21 發表 有無人記得<鐵血螳螂>?
原帖由 hknight 於 24-11-2006 16:22 發表 最初係黃玉郎畫嘅,後來改為黃偉釗畫.
原帖由 hknight 於 24-11-2006 17:12 發表 鐵血螳螂曾經都幾受歡迎,由橫度到直度,前後出咗幾十期.
原帖由 高立 於 24-11-2006 15:35 發表 主角叫"鐵心", 主筆好似叫..............文.....啟明, 故事都係一般啦 ! 唔記得囉 !
原帖由 hknight 於 24-11-2006 17:40 發表 當年因買得太多漫畫,被阿媽罰扣零用錢,最後惟有放棄鐵血螳螂! 希望其他Brother可以講講!
原帖由 ivanhoyc 於 19-1-2009 11:25 發表 我既blog都曾經提過下呢本作品: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/le-brosis/article?mid=687
小弟當年都早已經放棄左無睇呢套作品, 但後尾見佢有一期寫住大結局咪買黎睇下羅! 印像記得係講鐵心唔知點樣震斷埋自已隻右手去殺敵之後自己都骨埋咁就結局, 好兒嬉!!
原帖由 Bobby仔 於 25-1-2009 15:41 發表 小弟當年都早已經放棄左無睇呢套作品, 但後尾見佢有一期寫住大結局咪買黎睇下羅! 印像記得係講鐵心唔知點樣震斷埋自已隻右手去殺敵之後自己都骨埋咁就結局, 好兒嬉!!
In my younger day, I read Iron Blood Mantise (IBI), I recalled that the story reflected the era - the fierce competition of the traid society in respect of drug matter, the resettlement public housing and so on.
I recalled the main character, 鐵心 used one style of Iron Palm, 慘絕飛花大破刀 鳳槍, broke the two rivals' head into pieces though he had been severely hurt by the rivals who had inserted the two broken sticks into his back. Its really ridiculous but I did think any matter when I was young.
Recently, I learnt from Lung Fu Moon's ad that Iron Blood Mantise will be reborn by Fung Chi Ming and the editor will be Sheung Koon Siu Wai. I sincerely hope that the new Iron Blood Mantise will not follow the poor fates of those 黃玉郎醉拳, 新著中華英雄 and 新著如來神掌.
原帖由 godrider 於 29-7-2010 15:05 發表 In my younger day, I read Iron Blood Mantise (IBI), I recalled that the story reflected the era - the fierce competition of the traid society in respect of drug matter, the resettlement public housing ...
My friend opened a shop ("Magic Box") on 1/F, In's Point in Yau Ma Tei. He has a fantastic collection of comics from this era (e.g. first couple issues of Siu Lau Man). You can check it out sometime.
原帖由 godrider 於 29-7-2010 15:05 發表 In my younger day, I read Iron Blood Mantise (IBI), I recalled that the story reflected the era - the fierce competition of the traid society in respect of drug matter, the resettlement public housing ...
原帖由 聰洛多薩比 於 30-7-2010 11:26 發表 係呀...最近又推出左新著鐵血螳螂... 由馮志明畫... 馮志明既畫功我真係無乜好講... 劇情未睇唔知... 但係畫面質素我真係唔推薦...
上官小威監製, 馮志明監修, 顧問黃國興, 睇cover同內文D身體比例+某D scene就似係鄧志輝畫, 但係睇內文D公仔就唔似波!! 睇落似係果亭二線主筆朱榮華呀咁, 大家點睇??
Read the episode 1, I felt disappointed for the drawing, like 古惑仔, poor drawing and the story is seemed not be so good. 雷 轟 was bald head in the old version but a long hair guy in the new version, at least should keep the traditional bald head will be more appropriate.
I think that it might be another fail comic book like Drunk Fist, Budda Palm and Oriental Hero.
Is it a fate that only Dragon Tiger Gate can survive ?
Bro Actionkamen,
I support your view. Poor drawing. I forecast that the new version will go to the end soon.
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