Near-Earth Object Program
What Is The Purpose Of The Near-Earth Object Program?
The purpose of the Near-Earth Object Program is to coordinate NASA-sponsored efforts to detect, track and characterize potentially hazardous asteroids and comets that could approach the Earth. The NEO Program will focus on the goal of locating at least 90 percent of the estimated 1,000 asteroids and comets that approach the Earth and are larger than 1 kilometer (about 2/3-mile) in diameter, by the end of the next decade. In addition to managing the detection and cataloging of Near-Earth objects, the NEO Program office will be responsible for facilitating communications between the astronomical community and the public should any potentially hazardous objects be discovered.
What Is A Near-Earth Object (NEO)?
Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) are comets and asteroids that have been nudged by the gravitational attraction of nearby planets into orbits that allow them to enter the Earth's neighborhood. Composed mostly of water ice with embedded dust particles, comets originally formed in the cold outer planetary system while most of the rocky asteroids formed in the warmer inner solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
What Are The Differences Between An Asteroid, Comet, Meteoroid, Meteor and Meteorite?
In space, a large rocky body in orbit about the Sun is referred to as an asteroid or minor planet whereas much smaller particles in orbit about the Sun are referred to as meteoroids. Once a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere and vaporizes, it becomes a meteor (i.e., shooting star). If a small asteroid or large meteoroid survives its fiery passage through the Earth's atmosphere and lands upon the Earth's surface, it is then called a meteorite. Cometary debris is the source of most small meteoroid particles. Many comets generate meteoroid streams when their icy cometary nuclei pass near the Sun and release the dust particles that were once embedded in the cometary ices. These meteoroid particles then follow in the wake of the parent comet. Collisions between asteroids in space create smaller asteroidal fragments and these fragments are the sources of most meteorites that have struck the Earth's surface.
Because they are readily available for study, many meteorites have already been subjected to detailed chemical and physical analyses in laboratories. If particular asteroids can be identified as the sources for some of the well-studied meteorites, a detailed knowledge of the meteorite's composition and structure will provide important information on the chemical mixture and conditions from which the parent asteroid formed 4.6 billion years ago.
Asteroid | A relatively small, inactive, rocky body orbiting the Sun. |
Comet | A relatively small, at times active, object whose ices can vaporize in sunlight forming an atmosphere (coma) of dust and gas and, sometimes, a tail of dust and/or gas. |
Meteoroid | A small particle from a comet or asteroid orbiting the Sun. |
Meteor | The light phenomena which results when a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere and vaporizes; a shooting star. |
Meteorite | A meteoroid that survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and lands upon the Earth's surface. |
What Is A Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA)?
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are currently defined based on parameters that measure the asteroid's potential to make threatening close approaches to the Earth. Specifically, all asteroids with a minimum orbit intersection distance (MOID) of 0.05 AU or less and an absolute magnitude (H) of 22.0 or less are considered PHAs. In other words, asteroids that can't get any closer to the Earth (i.e. MOID) than 0.05 AU (roughly 7,480,000 km or 4,650,000 mi) or are smaller than about 150 m (500 ft) in diameter (i.e. H = 22.0 with assumed albedo of 13%) are not considered PHAs. This ``potential'' to make close Earth approaches does not mean a PHA will impact the Earth. It only means there is a possibility for such a threat. By monitoring these PHAs and updating their orbits as new observations become available, we can better predict the close-approach statistics and thus their Earth-impact threat.
鉅亨網新聞中心 (來源:中廣新聞網)
2009 / 10 / 30 星期五 14:42
直徑僅7米 最近地小行星:與地球 "親密接觸"
2009年11月11日 08:07
來源:騰訊科技 悠悠/編譯
據英國每日郵報報道,上週五,一顆小行星與地球“親密接觸”,距離地球最近距離僅有14000公里(8700英里),然而之前相關天文機構並未發現這顆小行星會接近地球,直到它抵達近日點15小時前才發現。 與地球和月球之間的距離402335公里(25萬英里)相比,這顆小行星與地球的距離僅是地月距離的三十分之一。據悉,這顆小行星的直徑僅有7米(23英尺),地球平均每年兩次與類似大小的小行星近距離接觸,平均每隔5年會有一顆類似大小的小行星碰撞其表面。
天文學家認為這顆被命名為“2009 VA”的小行星在進入地球大氣層時,差不多已完全燃燒,至多在天空中形成一個明亮的火球,並不會對地球表面構成較大的威脅。
2009 VA小行星是卡特琳娜太空勘測中心於11月6日發現的,之後美國馬薩諸薩州小行星研究中心將它定義為近地天體(near Earth object)。美國宇航局近地天體計劃署繪製了這顆小行星的運行軌跡,並確定雖然它非常接近地球,卻並不會發生碰撞。
俄羅斯聯邦宇航局負責人安東利-珀明諾維(Anatoly Perminov)稱,俄宇航局將不久召開會議討論“阿波菲斯”小行星,致力於避免地球末日的出現。
中央社 (2010-01-13 07:43)
新浪科技訊 北京時間1月13日消息,據美國《連線》雜誌網站報導,一顆最新發現的小行星正向地球方向飛來,並將於美國時間星期三與地球近距離擦肩而過,兩者之間的最近距離僅為地月距離的三分之一。
這顆最新發現的小行星被命名為『2010 AL30』,直徑大約為30英尺到50英尺(約合9米到15米)。
『2010 AL30』是由美國宇航局資金贊助的林肯近地小行星研究中心首先發現的,美國史密松天文物理台小行星中心于當地時間周一宣布了這一發現。
在2024年,將有一顆名為『2007 XB23』、相近大小的天體飛越地球。
從『2010 AL30』被發現,到它與地球以最近距離擦肩而過,兩者之間時間相隔如此之短,這意味著人類並不能夠預測和掌握所有可能危害地球外太空或與地球相撞的天體。
此外,『2010 AL30』與地球的距離也比『阿波菲斯』與地球的距離要遠三倍以上。
原帖由 綠寶210 於 15-1-2010 08:17 發表新發現一顆小行星明日將與地球擦肩而過 中央社 (2010-01-13 07:43) 一顆最新發現的小行星正向地球方向飛來,並將於美國時間星期三與地球近距離擦肩而過這顆小行星是從現在起到2024年間已知的最靠近地球的 ...
如果撞埋o黎地球真係 Die Hard~!唯有到時候希望外星人出手救救!
咁又未必, 射幾個核彈上去就搞掂啦!!!
呢單嘢令我諗起《千年女王》, 松本零士寫呢個故事嘅時候大大低估咗核武嘅威力, 我仲記得八十年代有紀錄片提過, 如果將當時嘅核彈一鑊過引爆, 足以毁滅九個半地球!!! 彌生你死得好冤枉呀!!!
原帖由 LouisLee 於 15-1-2010 10:34 發表咁又未必, 射幾個核彈上去就搞掂啦!!! 呢單洏O我諗起《千年女王》, 松本零士寫呢個故事黈伬啎j大低估鰹眭Z麉瞻O, 我仲記得八十年代有紀錄片提過, ...
無錯係可以o甘...但得回來的結果是地球大受幅射影響破壞...到時一樣 Die Hard!
原帖由 LouisLee 於 15-1-2010 10:34 發表咁又未必, 射幾個核彈上去就搞掂啦!!! 呢單嘢令我諗起《千年女王》, 松本零士寫呢個故事嘅時候大大低估咗核武嘅威力, 我仲記得八十年代有紀錄片提過, ...
近年睇DISCOVERY CHANNEL 話射飛彈炸殞石都有危險性, 就係炸唔哂, 變成更多舊飛落來都一樣玩完.
原帖由 綠寶210 於 15-1-2010 19:57 發表近年睇DISCOVERY CHANNEL 話射飛彈炸殞石都有危險性, 就係炸唔哂, 變成更多舊飛落來都一樣玩完. 最佳方法係想辦法令到殞石移位改變軋道..
原帖由 綠寶210 於 15-1-2010 19:57 發表近年睇DISCOVERY CHANNEL 話射飛彈炸殞石都有危險性, 就係炸唔哂, 變成更多舊飛落來都一樣玩完. 最佳方法係想辦法令到殞石移位改變軋道..
理論上可以, 但仍未實踐到.
送一隻人造衛星物體上太空, 然後用太陽光反射過去令殞石改變軌道.
但有個問題出現, 唔射殞石....改為射向地球, 咁咪變成另一種大殺傷力武器?
原帖由 綠寶210 於 17-1-2010 00:27 發表送一隻人造衛星物體上太空, 然後用太陽光反射過去令殞石改變軌道. 但有個問題出現, 唔射殞石....改為射向地球, 咁咪變成另一種大殺傷力武器?
一物二用...合經濟原則. 睇吓邊個射上去先 la.
我睇過紀錄片講個地面實驗....好勁幾秒已經將成吋厚鋼板溶了. 成了武器一定強勁. 殺傷力一定好大.
原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 17-1-2010 01:54 發表一物二用...合經濟原則. 睇屪鉽荇g上去先 la. 我睇過紀錄片講個地面實驗....好勁幾秒已經將成吋厚鋼板溶了. 成了武器一定強勁. 殺傷力一定好大.
原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 17-1-2010 01:54 發表一物二用...合經濟原則. 睇吓邊個射上去先 la. 我睇過紀錄片講個地面實驗....好勁幾秒已經將成吋厚鋼板溶了. 成了武器一定強勁. 殺傷力一定好大.
難怪到而家都冇人開發戰鬥機械人, 睇怕呢家嘢只會永遠活在漫畫家嘅世界!!!
原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 17-1-2010 01:54 發表一物二用...合經濟原則. 睇吓邊個射上去先 la. 我睇過紀錄片講個地面實驗....好勁幾秒已經將成吋厚鋼板溶了. 成了武器一定強勁. 殺傷力一定好大.
根時代講既星球大戰計劃是用導彈為主同主旨在兇蘇聯...不過今次主旨是救世同能源 ...嗱目的是乜見仁見智.
睇深一層我地現時所享受的科技大多由軍事上演變而成. 咁乜都兩面睇.
原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 19-1-2010 01:54 發表根時代講既星球大戰計劃是用導彈為主同主旨在兇蘇聯...不過今次主旨是救世同能源 ...嗱目的是乜見仁見智. 睇深一層我地現時所享受的科技大多由軍事上演變而成. 咁乜都兩面睇.
By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent
Published: 8:30PM GMT 23 Jan 2010
It sounds more like a scheme dreamed up by a James Bond villain attempting to destroy the Earth than a technology that could help provide a solution to the planet's dwindling energy supplies.
Engineers plan to put satellites into orbit around the planet that can gather energy from the sun, concentrate it into powerful laser beams and transmit the energy back to the Earth where it can be used to generate electricity.
While harvesting solar energy in space has been discussed by scientists for more than 30 years, engineers at EADS Astrium, Europe's largest space company, now believe the technology is available to allow them to start building a working prototype.
They hope to have a small demonstrator of a full sized space-based power station, capable of beaming back 10-20kW of power, ready for launch in the next five years.
Using a network of these solar power stations it would be possible to provide energy on demand 24 hours a day – something that is not possible with solar power on the planet's surface which can only produce energy during the hours of sunlight.
"There is a global need for increased energy generation that does not have an environmental impact," explained Matthew Perren, head of innovation at Astrium's headquarters in Paris.
"The real advantage of space solar power is that it can provide power on demand as we can essentially point the laser beam where ever we like on the earth below the orbit.
"Looking to the future we envisage large power stations in space that are capable of transmitting energy to any point in the planet on demand."
Space-based solar power, although more expensive than using solar panels on Earth, is attractive because of its capability to provide a clean, inexhaustible power supply around the clock.
Much of the power of the sun is filtered out by the Earth's atmosphere while clouds and the inability to produce power at night have all limited the use of solar power as an energy source.
In space, however, the sun's rays are far more powerful and even with a relatively inefficient conversion process, could still produce large amounts of power. Most importantly, satellites can be positioned so they are exposed to sunlight for far longer than sites on Earth.
The space power stations would be launched into a geostationary orbit, which means they remain above the same point above the planet, around 22,300 miles above the surface.
With solar panels more than 50 metres across, they would be able to gather large amounts of energy from the sun which would then be converted into a infrared laser beam to be transmitted back to Earth.
One of the key uses of the technology could be to power a new generation of large electric vehicles such as cargo ships and tankers. The satellites could be made to move the laser beam to track the ships as they move across the ocean, providing a constant energy supply.
Scientists at Astrium have already begun work on developing the technology needed to turn a laser beam into movable source of electricity. They have managed to use lasers in the laboratory to power toy cars.
Astrium hopes to work with international space agencies, governments and power companies to develop a network of space based power stations that will eventually be capable of supplying enough energy to power hundreds of thousands of homes.
But it is not the only firm working in the field. In September Japan announced a $21 billion plan to send solar panel equipped satellite into space that could beam enough power back to Earth to supply 300,000 homes.
California has also made a deal with a company called Solaren to design satellites that would beam power back down from solar powered satellites.
But Astrium claims that its approach of using infrared lasers will make the system safer than other proposals which have suggested using microwaves to transmit the energy. If misdirected, microwaves could cause widespread damage, effectively cooking anything in their path.
Such schemes are reminiscent of far fetched plots in James Bond movies such as Die Another Day, where villain Gustav Graves builds a space based laser that he can control as a weapon, and Diamonds are Forever, where Ernst Stavro Blofeld attempts to hold the world to ransom with a laser in space.
Astrium, however, insist that the infrared laser, which is typically used in laser guidance systems for the military, will be safe. As it is beyond the visible spectrum of the human eye, it would also not be harmful to eyesight should anyone look into the beam.
Mr Perren said: "We are concentrating on developing something that is safe. While the laser beam will have some heat in it, we intend for it to be safe for people to walk through unaffected.
"Much of the technology we need has already been tried and tested in existing satellites and spacecraft, but there are technical difficulties that still need to be overcome such as improving the efficiency of converting the energy and increasing the power of the laser we can build.
"It is important to remember that we are not looking to take the place of power stations on Earth, but to provide another piece of the puzzle in finding alternative energy sources."
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