原帖由 矢作省吾 於 16-11-2006 08:53 發表 唔算Oldcake, 但夠經典。
原帖由 高立 於 17-11-2006 14:38 發表 但佢哋主持嘅"老人院"節目, 絕對係我哋斑 oldcake 嘅至愛 !
原帖由 TonyK 於 14-12-2006 16:45 發表 返工手軟軟 叫你OT梗"AI"THANK YOU "YAK"包點會暖 想"YAK"翅又無"MUD"錢 參加 YES SIR 俱樂部 究竟"檢"
原帖由 紫龍 於 14-12-2006 18:49 發表 節目係問答形式,阿葛扮問題先生,成日話﹕「各位工友,問題又唻啦!」經常答錯。
原帖由 紫龍 於 16-12-2006 16:59 發表 葛民輝師奶聲﹕主持,我係羅姑娘……
原帖由 actionkamen 於 16-12-2006 02:21 發表 仲有軟硬教英文 1. 奶奶,今日好大體喎 = Milk Milk Today 好大look 2. 奶奶,妳睇下條跑道 = Milk Milk, you look lane (碌齡)
原帖由 任因玖 於 16-12-2006 03:20 發表 有無人知軟硬講鬼故係唔係真係"中"咗嘢?!
原帖由 高立 於 18-12-2006 10:31 發表 (整蠱電話) av 影帶介紹 : 口?lol
原帖由 紫龍 於 18-12-2006 14:05 發表 應該係賓妹咬斷響尾蛇,泰妹咬斷雙節掍
雖然他們久不久也唱下歌, 但始終最吸引我還是舊有的東西....
[ 本帖最後由 東加豆 於 13-3-2008 13:53 編輯 ]原帖由 東加豆 於 13-3-2008 13:17 發表 雖然他們久不久也唱下歌, 但始終最吸引我還是舊有的東西.... 軟硬天師-汪明荃 http://goowy.box.net/index.php?rm=box_v2_download_shared_file&file_id=f_140398555
笑到咳... 個"受害者"係真定扮的?
邊度有佢地以前D搞笑嘢可以DL... 我仲記得"緒事厘"... "call the call机, call the call 台"...
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-3-2008 13:33 發表 笑到咳... 個"受害者"係真定扮的? 邊度有佢地以前D搞笑嘢可以DL... 我仲記得"緒事厘"... "call the call机, call the call 台"...
真架....個時佢地有個節目, 就係打電話整估人..
等我搵下仲有冇好聽d o個 d 先....
我细個都好中意打電話整古人, 而家... 比較少
奇俠同kitsir都比我整古過... 有次扮ebay 買家系咁柄kitsir... 嚇到佢
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-3-2008 13:39 發表 我细個都好中意打電話整古人, 而家... 比較少 奇俠同kitsir都比我整古過... 有次扮ebay 買家系咁柄kitsir... 嚇到佢
唔通呢 d 就係 情意結 玩意 !? ^@^!!
而家已經冇做"全職整古"架啦 ! 只係有事揾佢地時, 一開頭順手試一試D扮聲術仲得唔得
另外, 整多左一個 軟硬, 放左係第一格....
原帖由 矢作省吾 於 13-3-2008 13:53 發表 埋度有講>>http://www.oldcake.net/viewthread.php?tid=1312&extra=page%3D2
開多左個 post 添...^^
多谢晒, 仲有冇丫?
原帖由 ar_woo 於 13-3-2008 13:33 發表 笑到咳... 個"受害者"係真定扮的? 邊度有佢地以前D搞笑嘢可以DL... 我仲記得"緒事厘"... "call the call机, call the call 台"...
C 啦就哩
Lee 個嘟"孝孝笑"架
~ "賴茄"
軟硬整蠱電話 - Nike
Lee 道仲有好多軟硬整蠱電話, 慢慢聽
good good good..... keep it going........ more please...
原帖由 Shiawase 於 13-3-2008 19:07 發表 Lee 道仲有好多軟硬整蠱電話, 慢慢聽 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E6%95%B4%E8%A0%B1%E9%9B%BB%E8%A9%B1&search_type=
thank you!
Did they give you more inspirations on how to 整蠱 people in the future? (I am worried about your friends now )
Check this out (as posted earlier) for more 軟硬整蠱電話:
There are heaps of them on youtube, I have listened to a lot of them quite a while ago, some are really funny
原帖由 Shiawase 於 13-3-2008 19:15 發表 Did they give you more inspirations on how to 整蠱 people in the future? (I am worried about your friends now ) Check this out (as posted earlier) for more 軟硬整蠱電話 ...
哇..完來 youtube 有咁多.....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lll92ZB_jnc 洗衣舖好笑...
[ 本帖最後由 東加豆 於 13-3-2008 19:38 編輯 ]原帖由 東加豆 於 13-3-2008 19:36 發表 哇..完來 youtube 有咁多..... 唔該些些 剛先放工搭車一邊聽...忍唔住笑...忍得好辛苦下...索性唔聽住...好似好失儀咁.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lll92ZB_jnc 洗衣舖好 ...
, 早一輪其實晌 Youtube 聽左好多 (~ 不過懶得 post上來 ~ 岩岩見你開怗, 咁就大家分享下, 唔洗唔該 )
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 13-3-2008 20:03 編輯 ]
原帖由 東加豆 於 13-3-2008 19:36 發表 哇..完來 youtube 有咁多..... 唔該些些 剛先放工搭車一邊聽...忍唔住笑...忍得好辛苦o下...索性唔聽住...好似好失儀咁.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lll92ZB_jnc 洗衣舖好 ...
咁未"um"住半邊咀笑囉 (忍得多好辛苦架 )
係丫.....微笑就美 o者.... 狂笑就醜 ga ma.....^@^!!
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 13-3-2008 21:31 編輯 ]
好有難度 o者.....
些些 下次k-day 你試比我睇!
i need to practise first
, 哈哈
我 off line 啦..
c u later
good night!
我细個都遇過一個咁嘅亞伯, 同佢玩咗成幾個字
mud 你细個咁 naughty ah? 亞伯都整蠱
886, Bean Bean!
My too, 886 everyone!
我同佢講樓上爆咗屎渠, 快D上黎整 (佢係我樓下個管理員)
So did the 管理員 goto 樓上 to check if it really was 爆咗屎渠?
Here is my guess ~ The 管理員 probably went upstairs to check check & found out that nothing was wrong, so went back down to the ground floor, and then you called him up again to say 樓上 really 爆咗屎渠 wor & asked him to go upstairs to check again ~ so making him running up & down the stairs
Naughty boy!
[ 本帖最後由 Shiawase 於 14-3-2008 14:30 編輯 ]
No no no, don't let your imagination run wild. The guy was as smart as the Ah-Bak in the SoftHard show. He figured it was a prank and asked me to fix it myself. Then I started asking him about very "private" things like how many girls he dated before, whether he had a good time, etc, and he answered everything
原帖由 Shiawase 於 14-3-2008 14:25 發表 So did the 管理員 goto 樓上 to check if it really was 爆咗屎渠? Here is my guess ~ The 管理員 probably went upstairs to check check & f ...
原帖由 ar_woo 於 14-3-2008 14:45 發表 No no no, don't let your imagination run wild. The guy was as smart as the Ah-Bak in the SoftHard show. He figured it was a prank and asked me to fix it myself. Then I started asking him about ve ...
He must be so bored with his job, got so much time to "爹" with you!
原帖由 Shiawase 於 14-3-2008 14:54 發表 He must be so bored with his job, got so much time to "爹" with you!
Yes, I think so, he was sleeping at night while he should be on duty, so I acted on behalf of the tenants there to wake him up
兩個都好有性格......不能遷就咪分開發展.....一山不藏二虎 ~ 靠估無根據
軟硬天師~正過農夫 FAMA
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