男人們在世界中找不到他們應為的 "Perfect Woman 完美女人".
就如科幻小說中, 他們開始想自己創造一個能完全滿足他們需要的"女性人造人"!!
原帖由 East 於 20-8-2008 13:37 發表 男人們在世界中找不到他們應為的 "Perfect Woman 完美女人". 就如科幻小說中, 他們開始想自己創造一個能完全滿足他們需要的"女性人造人"!! http://www.youtube.com/v/i2wYWAlg8Do&hl=en&fs=1
十全十美 作曲:許冠傑
原帖由 foureyesfatboy 於 20-8-2008 14:15 發表 東兄...你話dd係唔係夢想... 十全十美 作曲:許冠傑 我為尋伴侶諸多理想,盼望能如願以償,佢要十全十美品性優良,端莊純品人內向。要動人貌美肌膚似霜, ...
就是因為沒有, 所以他們才想盡辦法去掣造出來.
但事實上是另一故事, 若他們要造個所謂十全十美又聽話的女人, 是不可能!!
最叻只會造出一個好聽話的性奴出來, 因為要順曬你意聽曬你話. 就不可給"她"自由意智!!
沒有自由意智的女人就是一個 PROGRAM, 沒有靈魂. 開頭可能會覺得好正, 但很快便會覺得好假了.
最後都不能滿足心靈需要, 肉体需要或許能滿足一點. 所以都只是性奴一個吧. 高級吹氣公仔
若真的給她自由意智, 那就更大獲, 她就算唔做女 Terminator, 都有可能會不聽你話, 怎至走佬.....
所以, 男人們 接受現實吧!!
原帖由 East 於 20-8-2008 19:24 發表 就是因為沒有, 所以他們才想盡辦法去掣造出來. 但事實上是另一故事, 若他們要造個所謂十全十美又聽話的女人, 是不可能!! 最叻只會造出一個好聽話的性奴出來, 因為要順曬你意聽曬你話. 就不可給"她 ...
Yes...Brother East is correct...I support..
Expecially in Main Land China, you can't find even 50% perfect women either...
I hope you guys understand that God create women not for men's pleasure...God create women are for men's hard time, so we
are always playing a funny show in God's eyes...
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 20-8-2008 22:19 發表 Yes...Brother East is correct...I support.. Expecially in Main Land China, you can't find even 50% perfect women either... I hope you guys understand that God create w ...
My Japanese friend told me that Japanese people are so into robotics (in science and on TV shows) becoz their ultimate dream is to create the perfect "female substitute"
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 20-8-2008 22:19 發表 Yes...Brother East is correct...I support.. Expecially in Main Land China, you can't find even 50% perfect women either... I hope you guys understand that God create w ...
拾兄, 你有一半對也有一半錯.
神最初造男做女都是好的, 女人是作為男人的幫助者而被造.
可是夏娃吃了分別善惡的智慧之果(禁果), 也叫亞當都吃了.
結果, 罪與死亡就落到人類身上, 男人女人也從此變得彼此像仇人般, 又愛又恨.....
直到神差派耶穌基督降生, 為我們捨去生命流出寶血, 把我們的罪潔淨.
只要我們願意信衪跟隨衪, 就能得著永生同與神和好.
致於男人女人, 神創造他們時,是照自己形象去造, 也把不同的優點特質分別放在男人和女人當中.
本來一切是好的. 只因罪使他們有了自私的心, 看自己為大, 一切以自己出發.
所以, 就變成男女互不相讓. 因不同意見或不同要求而時時爭吵.
但當人與神和好後, 故事就有180度改變.......
男人女人開始願意放下自我, 願意為對方著想, 願意為對方捨己.
於是他們慢慢不再因不同意見而爭吵, 正因他們學會了放下自我,
他們的不同反而變成互相補足的效果. 單是男人或女人永遠都不可能完美!!
只有他們能在神裡面互相補足配合, 那就是真正的完美!!
我說的不是故事, 而是真實的. 我見過不少火星撞地球的夫婦,
另外, 我不知你認識多少中國的女人. 但在我認識的圈子中不像你所說的那麼差.
中國咁大, 不可能個個都咁差吧?!
[ 本帖最後由 East 於 21-8-2008 01:29 編輯 ]
原帖由 East 於 21-8-2008 00:03 發表 拾兄, 你有一半對也有一半錯. 神最初造男做女都是好的, 女人是作為男人的幫助者而被造. 可是夏娃吃了分別善惡的智慧之果(禁果), 也叫亞當都吃了. 結果, 罪與死亡就落到人類身上, 男人女人也從此變 ...
Brother East : You are correct...I am just joking...
I like these kinds jopkes because I saw too much in real life...
Below is a real story from my uncle in HK
My uncle was very rich, he own many resturants, many different investment. He was the members of many clubs: like country club, Hill Top club. Before he past away, his wife and daugther didn't treat him good and respect him, but after he is gone (Cancer and liver problems) His wife start fighting with the daugthers for the money...I saw too many case like that in HK alone...
原帖由 拾實什習窄炸集 於 21-8-2008 10:10 發表 Brother East : You are correct...I am just joking... I like these kinds jopkes because I saw too much in real life... Below is a real story from my uncle in HK My uncle ...
I believe that......
Because they have no love in heart but only money......
Not just women, even men are same, if they don't know what is LOVE.
People will be come selfish.
LOVE is not to take or to ask, is to give and sacrifice.
But I saw many bad stories become joyful stories,
unhappy familys become love familys, in GOD, in Church, in LOVE!!
原帖由 ar_woo 於 20-8-2008 23:48 發表 My Japanese friend told me that Japanese people are so into robotics (in science and on TV shows) becoz their ultimate dream is to create the perfect "female substitute"
May be that is true, we have seen a lot of this type of Scifi animations and movies in Japan.
Because women now-a-day won't like a lamb as before.
More and more Japanese guys lost the control power in the family,
or even cannot face a real remale face to face.
That's why so many OTAKU 御宅族 buy a lifesized female doll as their girl firends.
原帖由 East 於 21-8-2008 11:17 發表 May be that is true, we have seen a lot of this type of Scifi animations and movies in Japan. Because women now-a-day won't like a lamb as before. More and more Japanese guys l .........or even cannot face a real remale face to face.
so there's a new breed---remales (robot x females)
They call them Fembots
[ 本帖最後由 East 於 21-8-2008 17:15 編輯 ]
Advance android female robot project:
[ 本帖最後由 East 於 21-8-2008 17:21 編輯 ]好真下.....
They looks better than the real one ?
呢個幾似星戰既 C3PO.
她是德國超幻經典電影大都會中的瑪利亞, 她初出場是全金钃造的機械人.
後來再改造up-grade 變成生化人造人, 與真人完全一樣, 還在舞台露點跳艷舞, 搞到D男人像狂瘋一般.......
More info:
是的!! C3PO是抄她的!!
C3PO original concept drawing:
C3PO original concept illustration:
[ 本帖最後由 East 於 21-8-2008 23:57 編輯 ]
原帖由 East 於 21-8-2008 23:51 發表 她是德國超幻經典電影大都會中的瑪利亞, 她初出場是全金钃造的機械人. 後來再改造up-grade 變成生化人造人, 與真人完全一樣, 還在舞台露點跳艷舞, 搞到D男人像狂瘋一般....... 此1924年的黑白默片 ...
So she is the perfect woman ?
Do U think so.....?
我估最完美的人, 就是那些全部都係缺點, 找不出優點嘅人,
就係因為咁, 他們高不可攀.
哥仔你都好高喎, 咁都被你想通
原帖由 East 於 21-8-2008 23:51 發表 她是德國超幻經典電影大都會中的瑪利亞, 她初出場是全金钃造的機械人. 後來再改造up-grade 變成生化人造人, 與真人完全一樣, 還在舞台露點跳艷舞, 搞到D男人像狂瘋一般....... 此1924年的黑白默片 ...
以前都見過電影大都會呢個鏡頭, 好似係好著名既電影, 不過就未睇過.
我有DVD!! 不過只看了一半......... 默片比較易使人睡著
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